Do you ever just go for a walk?

Funny you should ask, I’m thinking too, as well as all those wonderful things.


I do miss my 3am to 7am morning walks back in the day. Too bad I really can’t do that around here. :frowning:


Funny, I was picturing you eating a banana right now…


Wait until the Dead rise. All we’ll do is walking then.


You’re psychic, I am eating a banana right now!


I don’t like “purposeless” walks, but it is easy to find a purpose.

I walk my dog 2-4 miles a day; sometimes an extra mile or two on weekend days. I listen to the radio or a podcast.

Between dogs, I took to walking to the supermarket. 2.1 to 3.2 miles round trip, with a couple of reusable bags on my shoulders. When I didn’t need groceries, I’d buy a dollar lottery ticket or a vending-machine latte.

I’m really grateful and lucky to be in a really walk-able area. There’s a power line park nearby, and the county recently added a pedestrian crossing with a signal on the major boulevard on the trail that follows a creek side for a few miles.


Eh? Speak up sonny; I partly deaf in on ear.


Yeah, I was in the Scouts! Our scoutmaster was a math major, so we did it this way:

1! (step)
2! (step-step)
3! (step-step-step-step-step-step)
4! (step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step-step)

Nowadays it’s neighborhood walks. Nice in spring & fall. Not quite so nice in summer & winter. Around here.


San Francisco was hard to beat for walking. Apart from being specifically walkable everywhere, you can easily walk from one side to the other in a couple of hours, and you can generally just wander in a general direction an wind up somewhere interesting, and of course the weather is almost always perfect for walking (I do recommend a broad brimmed hat for rain or sun).

Tucson is moderately walkable, at least downtown to mid-town (it’s better set up for cycling), but we’ve hit 100° already, so walking too aimlessly starts to become dangerous…


I take a walk in the park during lunch, or when I have coder’s block. Then again, Munich is the sort of city where walking is a joy.


I… don’t get the sequence. 2, 3, 7, 24? or is it 1, 2, 6, 23?

I walk to get my steps in. I hope that doesn’t count as purpose, because I do it also to let my mind wander. With nothing else to do but look at the beautiful flowers or appreciate the scenery I can actually get some creative thinking done. When you do it for years you get to notice which flowers and tress do what when. I count lawn mowing as good thinking time as well, boustrophedonically, of course.

Both use less water than shower thinking time, where I have solved my thought problem, but can’t remember if I have shampooed my hair.


Yes, I do just go for a walk. Every Saturday, I walk about a mile to a corner store, buy several large cans of malt liquor, then walk another mile deep into a very densely forested park, where I sit on a bench and get rather trashed. Pack up my empties, and walk home.

I like to listen for owls and meet people’s dogs.


Factorial series.

1! == 1 == 1
2! == 2x1 == 2
3! == 3x2x1 == 6
4! == 4x3x2x1 == 24

It’s a pun on your notation for marching vs mathematical notation.


Ah, I get it now. It’s been a while since I’ve had to use factorials.

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Seeing the numbers with the ! symbol made me think “factorial”:

1! = 1
2! = 1 x 2 = 2
3! = 1 x 2 x 3 = 6
4! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 24

Alas there is no integer N such that N! = 39 Steps.

“I’ll go now”

Edit: Thank you @LDoBe! I got it right.




No, but there is a magazine for it.


That’s when you have plenty of water on hand, and someone on call to pick you up when you realized you’re on empty.

I remember walking in the city, listening to music and singing out as loud as I could, all as I attempted to keep a very steady pace so the 2 second “skip protection” on my portable CD player didn’t give out.
People would look at me funny looking funny.
Fun times.