Don't miss the Reuters investigation on underground child adoptions in the US

Exactly this. I work in mental health. The only people whose care is even vaguely covered by the alleged “social safety net” any more are those who are too addicted, too externally crazy, or too severely disabled to live around “normal people” without annoying and frightening them. Even in those sectors, reimbursement rates get cut and cut and cut so jobs that should be done by people with PhDs or master’s level licenses are being done by pre-licensure interns, students, or people with bachelor’s degrees. I have students with less than 30 hours of clinical experience under their belts working, for no pay, in jail psychiatric services (so, severely mentally ill and dangerous clients). Everybody else can just go hang. Adoptions like these should all be eligible for ongoing, subsidized family therapy as needed until the kids launch successfully from their adoptive home. Never gonna happen though, as long as the predominant cultural attitude toward “socialized care” is “I got mine, Jack, so fuck you.”

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