Originally published at: Don't pick up the "master blister beetle" unless you want blisters on your skin | Boing Boing
Fairly common for people on the entomology FB page to ask for an ID of this or one of the other blister beetles, often with a picture of them holding it in their hand.
There’s nothing particularly impressive about mating while foraging for greens. The real trick is talking the people at Whole Foods out of calling the cops and banning you from the store for life.
20 some-odd years ago, living in Arizona, i was working in my yard when one of these bastards dropped down the back of my shirt. not knowing what it was i grabbed at it in my shirt and it squirted me all across my shoulder blades. serious blisters! yuck. owww. gross! bad news!
You know we have been harvesting the blister beetle for their explosive body fluids for a long time. Cantharidin is the medical name for this…err…“beetle juice”. Used for treating warts.
Didn’t know there was a North American variety of Spanish Fly aka cantharides. It was the Viagra of the olden days.
I mean, it is called the produce section. Where else is new life to be produced?
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