Dr Oz: banging second cousins "not a big problem"

Right? It’s a totally fucked up leap to go from someone asking, “hey, I can’t seem to get out of this relationship,” to, “it’s okay, you won’t make mutant babies.”
It was probably framed to him as a medical question, but the fact that he didn’t include any empathy or comment about how “if you don’t want it, it’s non-consensual and you should not feel like you need to keep doing it,” totally speaks to what kind of leader he would be. As if we didn’t already know.
The ramble took an odd turn a bit later:

“You know, that’s why children, girls don’t like their fathers’ smell. Their pheromones will actually repel their daughters because they’re not supposed to be together,” Oz said, and well, he kept going and added: “My daughters hate my smell.”

Weird volunteer of info there. And applying his particular experience to the entire world. That’s good science! :roll_eyes: