Freedom of movement is a human right. Countries should have to compete for citizens. People unhappy with their country should be able to vote with their feet and be welcomed elsewhere.
All legit scientific and medical organizations recognize climate change as a clear existential threat to human civilization. To be an MD and medical school faculty (emeritus) and to stump for the Republican party that believes climate change is nbd is very far from typical.
Again, we need to stop acting like this is normal. It is not. The Trump wing of the GOP is full-on fascist, but no, not all members of the GOP ARE fascists.
Between the woo peddling and this promise, this ladder-pulling son of immigrants is getting right on board with the Death Cult party’s platform. More awfulness to come, I’m sure.
What a waste. If not for Oprah hooking him on fame and if not for his fruitless attempts to please his daddy he might still be saving actual lives to this day.
There’s Liz Cheney, the neoCons at The Lincoln Project, and other elements of the GOP establishment who know that this isn’t normal.
This pack of neoCons and moneyCons are certainly not the good guys and are operating from their own perspective of the will to power, but they exist. I suppose in this unwelcome reboot they’re playing the part of the conservative industrialists and generals and politicians who thought they could control their fascist allies, only to be left flailing about when they realised the reality of the situation too late.
Success for said “conservative industrialists…” et al would look like a return to pre-Trump, “good 'ol” Gingrich-GOP days… which, unfortunately, more than a few Dem congressmembers would be okay with.
That return to business as usual isn’t going to happen, not after 6 Jan 2020. Over the next three years the death cultists will either get their Putin-style fascist regime or they’ll be thwarted and move toward more terrorism and fomenting a Syrian-style civil war. In the second scenario it will be progressives and fighting liberals – and not conservatives or Third Way Dem “centrists” and “moderates” – who’ll be doing the heavy lifting.
Oprah, I am looking at you. You brought this snake oil peddler into our homes. You gave your explicit and implicit endorsement of his garbage. People believed him because he was yours, and people believe him now because they believed him before.
Oz is a criminal and a liar, and it is shameful that he got this far in politics.
This is on your hands lady. You brought this menace to us.
She definitely carries a lot of culpability for this (not all, but a lot). All we’ve gotten so far from her on the subject are anodyne and blame-shifting statements about how any citizen can run for office in this great country and how this race is up to the voters of PA. Easy enough to say from her gated estate in Montecito … for now.