Drama persists as the Brentwood Airbnb squatter moves out

Originally published at: Brentwood Airbnb squatter moves out

May they both end up screwed by their lawyers.


You shouldn’t be able to Airbnb a property that isn’t your primary residence.You shouldn’t be able to airbnb a space for more than half the year.You shouldn’t be able to Airbnb property for more than X percentage of your own rent, mortgage or mortgage value.

It was supposed to be about making use of temporarily unused space.

I don’t know much about this case in particular, but I won’t be shedding many tears for the owner unless they’ve voluntarily limited themselves to the above.


It is about making money for the investors and founders. These are some fantastic ideas about what a tech startup is and how it must adhere to its (don’t be evil) early vision statements. I doubt Airbnb ever cared what the hell it was used for until governments started regulating it. All they wanted to be was used for something that made them money.


I wonder where Elizabeth Hirschhorn moved to. Any landlord who hasn’t seen the news about her is going to be tipped off.

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