Dreamlife 💫🌜💤🚀🌛💫

I’m guessing your friend really wanted to go somewhere.:stuck_out_tongue:

I’m glad I never ended up in a car after sleepwalking. I have plenty of dreams of being in a car and most of them include having to somehow drive the car from the back seat or the passengers side because the driver has become incapacitated some way. If I am in the driving seat then the breaks don’t work or there are people shouting at me where I should go when I have no idea where I am. In RL driving causes me anxiety (operating a death machine should not be taking lightly), so these dreams make perfect sense to me.


A friend gave me an interesting suggestion for remembering dreams: try to lie back down in the same position you were in while asleep. It works best if you do it right after you’ve woken up.

This does seem to help bring back some of the details of dreams I’ve had although it requires that you have enough time to stay in bed and that you actually remember what position you were in. And it helps to not fall back asleep.


Good tip.

I find that continuing with a conversation, imagining how the other character might respond whilst staying in position works well. Also allows you to strategise with the full complement of consciousness and bring those thoughts back with you into the dream, which is running on a symbolic level devoid of proper high-level thought.

Well, maybe not devoid but definitely shackled.


My sleepwalking has never been as bad as yours, but on several occasions my spouse has found me in various parts of the house. Once I was standing on the corner of the bed and had I moved the wrong way I would have fallen and seriously injured myself. We used to have a picture hanging over the bed. One night she found me trying to take it down so I could get to the wall safe behind it and get out a computer disk with vital information.

There is no wall safe and there was no computer disk.


I’d be so tempted to put in a wall safe in secrit!

Oh that picture? I just thought it would look nice there.


I have vivid memories of my dreams including things like dollar amounts and other minutiae. They are all over the place in terms of content and oddness. When I was a kid, it was so fascinating to me that I’d often relay them to whoever would stick around long enough to listen.

This one particular dream – I was in 7th grade or so – had me taking a REALLY important test in a HUGE room at a REALLY long table. I was at one end and my friend Ricky at the other end. We went to a tiny Catholic school - there was nowhere in our school like this. I remember telling Ricky about this. 4 years later I go to take the SATs at the local public high school. I had never been inside it. I was directed to the cafeteria and directed to sit at one end of the table. All the way across from me? You guessed it - Ricky. I was so thrown off that I barely broke 1100.


I’m surprised I’ve never sustained major injury sleepwalking. Sometimes I only know I have been sleepwalking because of unexplained bruises or objects moved. Once I woke up to find all the clothes from the closet on the floor because I had a dream about trying to climb out of a dirt hole, and I guess I thought the closet was that hole and my hung clothes the dirt. I keep my closet door closed now.
If I had a dream about trying to get to a computer disk with vital information, I would take that as a suggestion to back up my various computers, just in case.


Do you know if you’re sleepwalking with eyes closed?

People operate on automatic all the time without consequence… oh no wait that’s where all the bad stuff in life comes from, nevermind.


I was once dreaming that I was throwing a ball and IRL I made a throwing motion and really whacked my hand on the headboard.

Comedian Mike Birbiglia sleepwalks and made it, sorta, his thing. The turning point in his life was when he jumped out of hotel window during his sleep. Now he sleeps in a special bag with mittens on so that he can’t get out of the bag.

Jump to 1:10 when they start talking about that actual disorder


I remember one sleepwalking incident where I had to go down stairs and to leave the house and I fully remember seeing the stairs in the dark on my way down. I have no idea if my eyes were open or not, but I made it down the stair okay. I did have trouble with the locked door and trying to find my way back upstairs. My wandering woke my dad and carried me back to bed. After that a baby gate showed up at the top of the stairs, purely for my baby brother…

As long as my dream takes place in the same place I am sleepwalking I seem to navigate pretty well.


I have listened to all of his albums since Two Drink Mike. I think he ranks up there as one of the best in the craft these days.


I have never heard of this guy. He is rather funny. I now know what I am going to do with my spare time.
I have found having nothing in the bedroom but the bed and a lock on the door is enough to keep me out of trouble. I do have a referral to a sleep clinic, and I kinda hope I do sleepwalk when I’m there - I’d love to see the readings.


He’s really good at creating a framework and setups for his comedy. He’s on Spotify if you have it.

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The story of him jumping out of the hotel window is a good one - try to find that (I couldn’t).

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“The Missile”, the last track of Sleepwalk With Me Live, though it’s best to listen to the whole set IMHO for backtracking references like La Quinta Inn.


A recurring theme for me is an odd archaic-looking door, usually in an alleyway or tucked away behind something a basement, sometimes in an ‘employees only’ hallway of a mall or subway, that leads to a stairway down. There’s a gradual change as I descend from normal modern building stairs and walls to smoothly-worn stone stairs and walls carved out of bedrock to something even older that looks like sandstone. At the bottom of the stairs is a long hallway with many doors on either side, and other hallways branching off. (I sometimes wonder who’s in charge of the torches in the wall sconces.) As I walk down the hallway, I can hear a wild variety of noises/voices from the rooms, some in languages that I doubt any human could speak.

Eventually I may come to an open door and look in. The room/furnishings may look medieval, but it’s obviously an apartment or lounge or something. None of the ‘people’ look human, some may be quite bizarre, others mostly human but slightly odd. They seem wary of me, but accepting, welcoming, not hostile. It is a warm and comforting place.

I may join them at their table, or just briefly speak with them before moving on. If I join them, some may convince me to go with them and lead me off down the hallways to another door, and whatever adventures lie beyond. Or I may continue on my own and open a door, beyond which lies another world. And therein lies the dream, whatever it may turn out to be.

I guess that most likely started after I read Cabal or watched Nightbreed, but it has stuck with me ever since. A sort of underworld dream lobby, where the characters are all strangers, and uncertain about me, but welcome me into their dreamworlds. It’s a world of monsters, but it’s comforting and familiar.


Very occasionally – it seems to me, most probably when I’m going through some trauma or when I’m seriously self-examining myself – I’ll have some dream which is so ridiculously meaningful that I’m almost embarrassed at the fact that its elements so obviously have labels attached; even if the labels aren’t always what I might think.

Years back, when I was stuck in a bad emotional feedback loop, I had this. Sorry for the length!

I was walking along a lane in twilight looking for some sort of path. I was just walking under an old stone bridge, when I saw a rabbit disappear down a hole: and I knew instantly that I had to follow it underground. I looked: the hole was almost filled with a giant spider, scuttling around inside it. I’m an arachnophobe: I couldn’t go down there with a giant spider inside it. I suddenly realised that I had a spider repellant in my backpack: I dropped it down the hole, the spider instantly disappeared, and I jumped down.

It was very dark, and I walked until – to my relief – I came to a streetlight, where I waited, unsure where I was supposed to go next. In the very dim light, I suddenly glimpsed something far away, running towards me. I was briefly very frightened [quite apart from the giant spider, which I hadn’t forgotten, as a very small child I’d had a nightmare about someone chasing me under streetlights], but waited until it ran to me under my streetlight; where I saw it was a great black dog, and I knew straight away that it was friendly. It spoke.

“Hello! I’m your companion and guide.”
“What’s your name?”
“That’s nearly my name.”
“I know – but the E stands for Energy! Come!”

We ran together to a great river, and I knew I needed to cross it. There was a great iron bridge, but it was sunken, and the mechanism to raise it was rusted.

“I can’t cross.”
“There is a lever underwater, which you will be able to work.”

I trusted him, went into the river and swam underwater. I could dimly see some way away on the riverbed, the glowing treasure under the water: I was glad it was there, though I wouldn’t get to it on this trip; I knew it was safe until another time. Instead I found the machinery which raised the bridge, and with great effort I moved the rusted lever which set it in motion.

Back on the riverbank, Marek was waiting. The bridge was up.
“You may cross.”
“Come with me.”
“I’ll always be with you!”

At that I was very happy: and I awoke.


He’s also a regular contributor to This American Life. Looking that up I realized I haven’t heard all the episodes he’s been part of. Well, it’s a good thing I have some free time coming up.

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I remember a cool snippet of a dream I had the other night, where a tool was needed to scan the horizon.

I whipped out a piece of paper, rolled it up - and voila - a working telescope!


I get the same thing. It’s almost like the dreams where you’re trying to run, but it’s like you’re going through treacle. I try to stop and everything goes slow. The brakes almost, almost work, but they’re not having a significant effect I’m still going too fast and everyone I care about is in the car. I try to grab things outside the car to slow us down or try to stop the car with my feet, but we still crash. Otherwise I keep getting told where to turn, there are different time demands and expectations, but everything happens so fast and I can’t keep up. That’s often the point when the crash happens. Incidentally, my low processing speed in real life and fears of causing harm to other people are two of the main reasons why I cycle rather than drive.

That’s interesting; I’ve found that I’m often not welcome in my dreams. I may be walking among other people and no one is reacting, but once they notice me they attack like white blood cells.

Another one (which is when I often wake up standing in the room) is where I’ve somehow found myself in someone else’s room, and I’ve got to get out and find the right room somehow without waking anyone up. That’s generally when my wife wakes up and I stare at her with wild eyes. Years ago I’d occasionally freak out and try to chase my wife out of the bed because of all the ants everywhere or some other urgent reason (“Everybody out! We’re sinking!”). It often gets worse when there’s a big change in my life that I’m worried about. Just before I got married, I pulled down a shelf in my brother’s room and all of the books fell onto his computer :scream:. My personality is generally quite different from what I’m like normally; often agitated or even aggressive – not abusive or anything, just the kind of attitude you might have if the room was on fire. My wife used to call me Jekyll and Hyde, so I’d have to wake up in the morning and ask whether I had done anything to apologise for last night.

It’s weird, because I’m pretty calm a lot of the time (for example, my wife has commented that I’m often more patient with the kids than she is), but I guess it all comes out when my subconscious takes over. One thing I’ve noticed is that I do sometimes have violent dreams, but the violence is always against me rather than something I do. Sometimes I’m expected to fight, but won’t or can’t – I’m a complete wuss in my dreams.