Dreamlife 💫🌜💤🚀🌛💫

I may have gotten part of the above right but the theme has continued, gently, in a peaceful and accepting way. Not the theology but the setting. Church functions with people who accept my honest and open self and are happy to have me there.

It’s taken two months but I think I’ve figured out the message or more of it anyway. It took a long time for me to get over some of my experiences with the churches I was a part of. I think I’ve finally come to the point where I have gotten over those experiences but I’ve also found myself missing the good parts. When the election happened, I suddenly had this feeling of being extremely isolated and surrounded by people who weren’t what I assumed they were. (Basically decent but a bit misguided.)

It turns out in my direct area they are what I thought they were. The statistics bear it out. (It’s just the rest of my state … which I already knew.)

I’m disconnected, though. I think my dreams are driving at the disconnection and the impossibility of growing in my own honesty if I don’t have a connection to a community. As much as I’d like to substitute that kind of community connection with a knitting circle, I don’t think that’ll do the trick.

Good thing I have options. Eris wink on the Unitarians because of course they have a church in my area and of course they’re doing a talk on taking a stand against prejudice in a few weeks. Time to figure out if I have enough clothes to make a Sunday outfit. :laughing:

(Apologies, I know we’ve got a fair few functional materialists on BB. Unless it ties into dreams again, I won’t bring up the topic of the UU in this thread again.)


My dreams are incredibly vivid, but most of the time, I’m essentially watching a movie playing out – I’m rarely participating or experiencing a first-person event. They’re often just like watching a TV episode or a movie trailer. When they’re first person experiences, I’m nearly always myself, but with augmentation… me with more hair, me with parts of someone else, or me in ten years’ time.


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