Drobo 5N update: hot swapping is trivial

Hey fellow DNS user! If you ever find yourself needing to mess with your setup, checkout alt-f. I switched my 323 over to it and it’s been great, probably a bit less user friendly than the D-link firmware, but lots of extra options, including funplug being baked right in.

Maybe? I meant megabytes, as in 125 megabytes/s is the top speed you’ll get. I’m by no means an expert in the field, but I don’t know anyone measuring network speed in bytes, it’s all in bits.

My assumption is that you’re running a Synology home/office NAS, and those all come with a 1GbE port (random example: the Synology DS216).

That’s a Gigabit port, not Gigabyte.

Gigabit = 1,000 megabit = 1,000,000,000 bits

divide that by 8 to get bytes = 125,000,000 bytes = 125 megabytes

(I’m stealing the number conversion from this Tom’s article - first google result, it’s old but the math holds up)

Either which way, enjoy your NAS. I’ve always eyed the Synologies, but could never bring myself to spend the cash. I’ve got still perfectly working D-link running on a 100 megabit network and am lucky to get 6 megabytes/s, which is fine for my needs, but the first go of backing up my laptop was sloooow.

I think the confusion was:

Gb/Mb = gigabit/megabit
GB/MB = gigabyte/megabyte.

When it’s bytes instead of bits, the standard is to capitalize the B.

ETA: (And don’t get me started on GiB and MiB)


Yep, which is why I was wondering where you got 125Mb/s as a maximum. Small-b is bits, capital-B is bytes.

All my numbers were in bits per second. 80Mb(its) per second (what I’m getting with my Synology NAS that has a 1Gb/s port) is about 10MB(ytes) per second, which is far, FAR below the maximum throughput of a Gigabit port.

Can’t remember which model it is offhand, but I have had it for a number of years. It’s a decent enough little box, but I’m still working on building myself something with more bays, proper 1Gb/s connectivity, and hot-swap.

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I’d have to really step up my saved-from-the-Internet cat video game before needing something like this. :cat:

I have an older Drobo 5 with a Mac mini running plex. If the 5n can run plex natively, that sounds nice.

Drobos are wonderful but goddamn are they pricey. It’s also unfortunate that Windows is such a wasteland for good backup software but that’s not Drobo’s fault.

The “proprietary filesystem” really worries me. Filesystems are HARD, and I insist on being able to recover them manually if something goes sideways. A proprietary solution means that I am, BY DESIGN, not allowed to fix it if it’s broken. And fuck that with the spiky dildo.

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