Dropping Dropbox - what's a replacement?

I just started out with this I absolutely love it! Thanks for the great tip.

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Lovely idea in theory

Then this thread isn’t for you, is it really? I’m kinda surprised you simply didn’t ignore this thread instead of making your… wait, what’s your point?

I think people throughout this thread are showing that it’s a lovely idea in practice.

but I have to keep a Dropbox account because of the various organizations and friends who use it.

“Have to” and “want to” are two different things. :wink:

Computer connections are only as strong as their weakest link, which have a tendency to be one’s inner circle of friends.

I think you may be putting far too much weight on the critical value of Dropbox. There are alternatives (as shown throughout this thread) that people are happily using instead.

What you could do is put one foot into the bathtub. Keep your Dropbox account open for now, but experiment with the many other solutions mentioned in this thread. Eventually, you may find that you can influence your inner circle of friends to use something better or you may even be surprised to find they’ve already beat you to it.

Also, check out this post in this thread here:

Then again, you may think dropping Dropbox because of Rice, etc. is silly so this is all moot, I don’t know.


Droplr has unlimited storage even for the free account which is nice.

I (and quite a few others) have seen a lot of Mac OS X issues with Google Drive as far as its Finder integration stability goes, but YMMV.

Is any one else worried about this increasing trend for influential people and organizations to mount a public campaign against any business or individual they disagree with?

I get more worried when it doesn’t happen.


Thanks for the great list with link! :slight_smile:

I’ve been using wuala.com for a couple of years now, and as long as the focus is single-user sync, I can recommend it. They claim strong client-side encryption and say their staff is unable to access my files, so this should be perfect for backing up private stuff. When collaboration with others is top on the wish list, dropbox does work way smoother though.


I used Google Drive, but I fucking hate the way it manages files and makes me use a Google Drive folder. Also, when I downgraded from the pay-for version down to the free version, it deleted hundreds and hundreds of documents. Thank god I had backups or I’d be fucked six ways to Sunday.

My tax lady turned me onto Cubby. I used it extensively this past month to manage my tax documents. She has a “cubby” for every client.

It worked so well I’ve been thinking about doing something similar for all of my clients.

Cubby is run by the same people who created Logmein, which I used for the past five or six years to remote-control my parent’s computers whenever something went wrong (which is at least once a month).


I’ve been using the French service hubiC. It has 25Gb free. No problems so far and seems very quick. https://hubic.com/home/

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Oddly enough I just started using Spideroak as a backup service. They had an unlimited storage promo which expired last month. ($125/yr for unlimited storage).

I haven’t tried their syncing or sharing features as of yet.

Over the last 10 days, I’ve put about 47 gigs on their servers. My ISP is only middling with regards to speed (15 down, 1.5 up)… They’re probably hating me at the moment but as yet I haven’t been throttled.

No hitches so far, and it’s definitely SSL traffic (I ran wireshark and looked at it) Obviously I can’t tell if their client is really doing encryption on my end.

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I use tresorit, its much better than all the MANY others I have tried.

Top feature is its client encryption, so nothing on the servers can be exposed by accident.

Also it works perfectly via proxy’s and VPN’s, way better than all the rest.

Has an android and iphone apps too.



I just wanted to add that for years whenever a company treats its employees, or the environment badly, or a supermarket crowds out a local store, they have said

“Well you don’t have to shop there. Its a free country if you don’t like it go somewhere else.”

Fine, I don’t want a securocrat running a private storage company. I’m not going to ignore people who move from monumental historic political and ethical errors into cushy boardroom sinecures.

People with different politics from me are free to do what they like. And companies are free to hire who they like. And I’m free to take my custom elsewhere.


Which of these suggestions work well with linux?


The biggest obstacle for me is iOS - just about every multiplatform syncing application of any kind uses Dropbox, and other services are few and far between.

Be sure and let those developers know they need to expand their horizons. I’ve already asked 1Password about this issue at MacUpdate.

I would not recommend Google Drive. We use it at work, and it more-or-less sucks.

I’ve seen horrible issues with it on Mac OS X including crashing the Finder and the entire OS for many people. I trashed that garbage and may never look back.

Lets just put all the innocent people who work there out of work because of our modern entitlement issues…

As a leftwing, leftist, progressive liberal, I simply love putting innocent people out of work because of both modern and post-modern entitlement. I do it because I’m an evil liberal and it’s fashionable to do so in order to protect my entitlement. Because I have entitlement issues.


Well, I’ll probably keep using Dropbox because I never pay them anything and mostly store a load of shite on their servers that the NSA could in no way find interesting.

It would hardly be a kindness to (e.g.) SpiderOak to jump ship and start costing them money.

But if I want to keep anything secret, I won’t be putting it in the cloud without making my own privacy arrangements.

I still use DropBox for syncing 1password.

1) Please contact 1Password about opening up sync to other services, etc. or perhaps making their own sync instead of relying on a third party for it. They probably won’t change until enough of us become some squeaky wheels.

Contact: 1Password Support

2) Also, since Dropbox was affected by Heartbleed (Don’t know why Boing Boing isn’t covering this HUGE issue, btw), if you’ve used 1PasswordAnywhere, AFAIK you may have been explioted by someone messing with the index.html file through the Dropbox/Heartbleed hole.

Dropbox has been patched for Heartbleed, so now is the time to change your Dropbox password and if you’re smart, I’d suggest changing your 1Password master password ASAP if you used 1PasswordAnywhere via Dropbox in the last few years.

1Password doesn’t use OpenSSL, so it’s safe on its own, but it’s achilles heel was Dropbox who was definitely wide open from the Heartbleed OpennSSL bug. Which means you could have been compromised and never have even known it.



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Cubby is run by the same people who created Logmein

I don’t trust the free version to remain free. Logmein kind of pulled a bait and switch with their signature Logmein service already.

mostly store a load of shite on their servers that the NSA could in no way find interesting.

You may be surprised what “loads of shite” can be used to build a dossier on you. Also, Dropbox is making money off of you by selling your metadata, etc. (where you log in from, type of data you store/share, keywords, names of files, contents, etc.) - so it’s still kind of supporting Dropbox even if you use their free service.

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