Drug cartels switching to synthetic drugs

Originally published at: Drug cartels switching to synthetic drugs | Boing Boing


It’s organic free range opioids for me.


Maybe synthetic violence, and a synthetic hit-squads are next, maybe.

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I’m waiting for some enterprising grad student to splice the gene(s) for cocaine or psilocybin or opium into brewer’s yeast. The how-to knowledge is out there - it’s just a matter of time before someone actually does it.


It’s been seven years.


This would be a lot more…ethically problematic…but in principle using a viral vector one could splice the relevant genes into a DEA agent or an entire office.

I suspect that would go over poorly; as well as breaking new ground in simple possession charges.


a demand created legally by pharmaceutical company advertising and marketing campaigns in the U.S., but now met illegally by low-quality labs outside it.

Fentanyl, which is cheap to make and very potent, is often itself being used as an illegal marketing tool by being laced into organic opioids like heroin and into counterfeit pharmaceutical pills to give a stronger effect. This often leads to serious ODs by the unknowing and unprepared users. Criminals slide easily into existing capitalist models.

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Holy crap. I hadn’t realized that they’d already done it. Thank you for this.

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