Earth's "second moon" isn't quite that, but it's likely a chunk of our Moon

I swear to god one day I will learn who is who, and where, and how to interpret timezones.

You can click on an individual icon and it will show you some info.

Its of limited use though. For example I am NOT in Carpathian-Ruthenia, and am currently in western Europe not Illinois.

I’d be able to parse time zones other than my own a lot easier if the display wasn’t in 12 hour format.


I am a regular at my local.

“On the reg” (pronounced rej) would mean on the register to me.

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Me too.


Are you a regular customer, or patron, or just the regular who always needs to be thrown out after closing time on a Friday? :wink:

I am an adjective which has become nominalised. But I draw the line at being defined as a size.


I don’t see any implied reference to size. Just to a propensity to overstay one’s local publican’s welcome having overindulged to the extent of not being able to leave of one’s own volition. (It was a hypothetical you, anyway.) :wink:

Neato. I’m reading Stephen Baxter’s World Engines series right now, too. SpOoKy!!

US usage, often seen in franchised coffee/food.

A pub regular is qualified by frequency not length of visits. They might be included on a jolly if they drop in for a pint after work every night.

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Indeed. Quite correct. But we all know of that pub with the ‘regular’ who meets those criteria.
(Whoosh - the sound of your size reference going over my head first time around.) :wink:

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It’s a good thing to be regular. Constipation is a pain in the ass.


Not quite as much as diarrhoea. But that’s just as irregular.

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