Originally published at: Emoji for beans announced | Boing Boing
como estat, frijole?
“how you bean?”
sorry for that, I’ve become my father, using his lame-ass dad jokes
As a furry, it tickles me no end that these are arranged as a paw pad.
i eat beans almost every day. as a bean booster, this pleases me.
I’ve needed a new fart emoji like forever!
Just let it out, Papasan, let it out! Right now!
Also, I spent much of the past two days shelling dry beans. Not a bad crop and soon there will be a batch of home-made baked beans in my freezer, made with the tomato sauce I already processed and froze from this years tomatoes.
I love how they went straight for the pinnacle of beans; the red kidney bean.
The lesser beans, like pinto beans or cannellini, primarily exist to make my cupboard look more varied and interesting. Mostly they just sit there on the shelf while the red kidney beans have a turnover of 20 to 30 tins every month.
In truth, pretty much every inch of my finely chiselled beauty is made of red kidney beans.
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