Originally published at: Everything's bigger in Australia | Boing Boing
Hey Canada has big things too eh! Canada's Largest Roadside Attractions | Reader's Digest Canada
I really want someone to buy the Canadian Arm from the United States’ Space Shuttle and make it into a Canadian roadside attraction
And look what they missed from that list. This Giant Canoe Paddle is located just outside Golden BC:
A complete list of all Big Things by province in Canada: http://www.bigthings.ca/
Although it hasn’t been updated with the big cheeto yet.
This is the main square of Itu, a city in the Brazilian state of São Paulo
Giant pay phone
Giant traffic light (not just a big sculpture, it actually directs traffic)
Giant park bench, the “big kid” is a tribute to a local comedian
And you can buy oversized “little” souvenirs, like stationery, money bills, card decks, and coins for the giant pay phone
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