Eviction epidemic: the racialized, weaponized homes of America's cities

The first sentence to the first post on this page is me saying “When my family owned a rental property…

Technically, you lose – I was part owner of a multi-tenant building many years ago; I am not a landlord today, since then I have been on the tenant side of many short-term leases, but can proudly say I’ve never been evicted.

When I sign a contract, I uphold my side of the terms.

Moving on now, good luck with that “proudly” life of yours.


Keep punching up!


Private income for work to manage real property makes some sense. Private income just for owning real property? It’s an unreasonable cost to everyone else in the community.


The rentier class is parasitic. They take on functions that should be run by the state (such as housing poor people) and extract the livelihood of the poor so they can live as middle class. Your taxes, in the form of welfare and housing benefit, go to people who own housing that is often unsafe. Poor people go hungry while our taxes go to land owners!

It’s hard out there for a landlord? Not nearly hard enough.


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