Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/05/18/despicable-garbage-person.html
This is hilarious.
Now just waiting for the NY Bar to sue him for falsely claiming he’s a member, and Karma will be fully caught up to this moron.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
But freeze peaches! If you can be denied business for espousing racist beliefs, then you could be next, pro-abortion person. Or you could be denied a place to live just because you’re poor! It’s a slippery slope!
I’m all for landlords throwing people out for being assholes, but is this something they can actually do? Mayhap it’s easier to do it for commercial than residential.
He’s renting space from a “business center,” so it’s probably a lot easier to get rid of him. Plus it makes a lot more sense - he’s contaminating all the other businesses in the same space (and potentially creating a hostile work environment for those who share space with him).
As if these things don’t happen already?
(Or OP needs a sarcasm tag?)
And so will begin his epic persecution complex and how he will blame everyone except himself for this.
Yes, especially if the contract has explicit clauses about being an ass-hat, which most do because of people like him.
Sounds like the security guards probably knew exactly what grade of asshole he was loooong before the internet found out.
Hey, look! Sometimes, capitalism works!
Or more likely, it’s just something like a Termination for Convenience clause, where the landlord can basically just boot you just because they feel like it. This guy’s too much of a small fry to negotiate better terms, so he probably got saddled with something nasty like that.
“Freeze peaches” + “slippery slope” = sarcasm tag.
I wonder if the fact that he’s been behaving this way for years will actually fuel his persecution complex. Like, “Oh, nobody had a problem with me being a racist asshole, but then suddenly…!”
Too large! That violin is above microscopic!