Evolutionary psychologists are very butthurt about the new Scientific American

maybe this is part of why the alt-right is so uptight.

in no way does talking about the patriarchy mean “men are bad and evil.” nor does talking about “white supremacy” mean that “white people are bad and evil.” nor does “privilege” mean “people with more economic and social and political connections are evil.”

it’s talking about the system. and yes, it’s appropriate to talk negatively about patriarchy.

“patriarchy”, “white supremacy”, and “privilege” are about continuing artificial constructs which advantage some particular group of people. it’s why that’s why there can even be people of color (ex ben carson) who might support racist gop polices - because it advances their own small personal standing.

to undo the multigenerational damage done by those constructs, by all of the laws and all of the social behaviors acquired by people brought up inside those constructs - it’s necessary to call it what it is. to see the system for what it is.

maybe some “matriarchy” would have been just as harmful - but, it’s hypothetical. the usa has a culture and a system of law(!) which disfavors anyone who is not a white passing, male passing, straight passing person. and that’s what needs a fixing.