Existential Dread in an Alt-World

Apparently Denny’s has heard your plea, and provided a short-term solution:


Thank you.


I am in love with their twitter background.


That would work.

Isn’t it surprising for a major mainstream diner chain?

It makes me wish their food was edible so I could give them my business. It’s always a conundrum when the quality of marketing exceeds the product :confused:


Know what you mean. They have a good brand but their food is crap and it’s hard to screw up breakfast.


Oh, I dunno. I haven’t had a French Slam in most of a decade, but I’ve never had a bad one.

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“Living well is the best revenge”

It’s a heavy thing, living with horrible broad scale events and the general apathy of your fellow man. It saps energy and dissipates will. I’m not sure what can be done to ease that burden. I can only tell you what works for me. Ymmv, as they say:

Don’t tie your wellbeing or happiness to politics. That doesn’t mean you should stop being political, but it does mean that’s not where you should look for emotional fulfilment. Look for meaning and joy in culture, art and human interactions. Live your life as honestly as you can, pursue the truth and set an example to others. If you can make an improvement in your immediate environment, however small - go for it. I hope this helps. Good Luck.

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