Exit polls showed opposition easily defeating Venezuela's Nicolás Maduro, but he has declared victory anyway

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I have reached the point where it is impossible to have an opinion about Venezuela. I don’t believe anyone. Certainly not our media here in North America. Not Maduro’s party, not the opposition.

Oil is a fucking curse. Having it under your country is a guaranteed way to be fucked over by the world. It is a wholly corrupting force, within and without. I grew up in Alberta and am very familiar with the reality distortion field emitted by oil and oil money. I can only assume it is much worse in Venezuela.

Whatever my opinion there is nothing I can do about it. I will try to be welcoming to refugees if and when they come here. I will be supportive of the notion that free and fair elections should happen.



This page shows the vote machine reports obtained by the witnesses and any member of the public that obtained one at voting places, this is what the law stipulates exactly for this specific situations, the government call this citizen audit, and it was, emphasis on was, a pride point in the election system, for some reason this time they are not doing it.

You need to type a valid Venezuelan ID number. (almost any number from 6 million to 30 million works), but you can get some real ID numbers in this publicly available list of voting age public university students.

Some (~30%) of all reports are still not available.

If you find one with a win for maduro, please share.

CNE page is offline for some strange reason. And the government is not showing these numbers or these reports for obvious reasons, this is the main point of the claims of fraud. They are not supporting the results with data, paper, or any kind of proof as the law requires. Just a quite ballsy “trust me bro” that a few ppl outside the country are quite eager to accept.


Venezuela’s 2024 presidential election did not meet international standards of electoral integrity and cannot be considered democratic.

We demand transparency in the recounting process and urge a thorough verification of the election results to ensure that they faithfully reflect the will of the Venezuelan people. This verification should include the full count of all acts, which should be provided without further delay by the CNE.

Note that the IS mention the “actas” is in line with the fraud claim, the reports are the key proof, the delay to publish them is a blatant violation of electoral law and evidence of maleficent, mainly because if they actually won; why not publish them right away? Are they fabricating new ones? How will the hashed number match if each party have an encrypted key to validate the hash?


The problem is Andreína Chávez is a reporter who writes for Venezuelanalysis, yes.

Before that she worked on teleSUR, the Chavista equivalent to Russia Today. And yes, Venezuelanalisys is not “independent”, even if they put it on their description, because well, right next to it they say that their objective is to go against the media coverage of the Revolution.

It is a propaganda outlet. It is as reliable as listening to Fox News about Trump.

Yes yes, every media company has a bias, etc, but again, there are levels, and they are in the absolutely do not trust one.

I also have this strange feeling with me when I read stuff like uncritically writing the attorney general stuff about “having criminal records”. According to Maduro, not only that, they are all drugged, but hey, if you put that in the message maybe the audience for this will not buy it.

EDIT: Let me add this here, as the site doesnt let you put more that 2 replies.

So, what happened in Venezuela yesterday, many many things, there are lots of people under arrest, there are several casualties, but I want to share this couple of photos, that in general may not be the most important thing happening, but I think is interesting to analyze

That is the arrest, or better to say kidnapping, of opposition member Freddy Superlano. Thats a black unmarked van, those are heavily armed hooded men not identifying themselves as anything and not wearing anything that says what they are, and after taking Freddy and the other guy in the car with them, it is at this point not known where they are.

So, again, I know is difficult to parse things, I have said as much, it is true, because it is hard to not see the spin everybody wants to put on the events, again, what many Venezuelans see here in action is the actual reality of what many of you in the US fear will happen with a second Trump presidency. So you can imagine the reaction when the same people (not saying here, to be clear) that are all ACAB and stuff are more than ok with supporting the kind of government that does this.

We are all rightfully afraid about the global rise of fascism and the existential risk to democracy people like Trump, Milei, Bolsonaro, Orban, Bukele, etc… represent. But for Venezuelans, they have been living in your feared scenario for years now; they may say they are leftists, but they behave exactly as what we all fear the far right will behave.


And the CNE has suspended a lot of audits that should come after the election. Like, the technical audit of the result transmission process. Yes, the same thing that was “hacked”. But at the same time their results are absolutely true, dont doubt it… even when nobody can find the supposedly non-Chavista members of the CNE anywhere saying anything.


This is the day to day of any Venezuelan online; the crackpot MAGA using us as example and a cautionary tale without any kind of self awareness or empathy, and the tankie cosplayer teaching us that is all the fault of the evil empire, and great leader is dear and holy and all these evidence does not fit on my “knowledge” of your country.
And then both goes and watch some Info What and Cosplay Now or something of the sort.
We are a prop to be wagged around from time to time to fulfill X or Y political goals.

Of course, there are exceptions, and I’m glad to see them around from time to time.

OH! Man… this is so realismo magico…

One of the last Chavez statues (or the last one, I’m not sure) is being defended by a bunch of armed black clad soldiers/cops. And they made a drone video to show it (!?!?!) and somehow they think this is some kind of flex, I mean the people are smashing and burning them all over the country this one in particular stills there, they know ppl want to tear it down, because ppl are fed up, chavismo does not have popular support for years now and to acknowledge that they must dedicate dozens of armed personnel to keep it up is laughable.



Nothing To See Here GIF by Giphy QA


Very much in agreement. Although some of those in both camps are also Venezuelans, but well, at least they have some skin directly in the game.

For example, here in Spain, a famous musician is being charged with some stuff related to how (apparently and all that lawyerly stuff) he brought people from México telling them they were coming to get some courses and training as dancers when in reality it seems it was just for work and done illegally, trying to hide that work relationship with the “educational” thing.

So, the police went to where he has his company, asked him to go with them to the police station, he went with his lawyer, said he didnt want to say anything at the moment and would wait for the whole court thing to do so, went out … and 2 seconds later was giving a press conference saying that it was political persecution like in Venezuela, Cuba, USSR, etc.

Yea, somehow if I put that next to the bit about Superlano, it is not going to make me feel there is a lot of parallels.

As you said, thats what Venezuela is for a lot of people outside the country, a convenient thing to throw as a weapon to the other side while caring not an iota about the actual people dealing with the actual situation.


I cannot tell the difference Nacho Cano’s latest declarations and those of an AI bot. 100% hallucinations. Like “My detainment was a joint [Spain’s President] Sanchez and [Venezuela’s Something] Maduro, helped with [Former Spain President] Zapatero operation to discredit me and [Madrid Governor] Ayuso”.

I’ve seen [Celebrity Crakpot] Alex Jones speak more coherent lines on average :laughing:


And that kind of stuff is what makes me cringe every time I see Venezuelan opposition figures getting all friendly with creeps like Ayuso. On some level I understand, if you are trying to get the message out and find support, well, is not like Podemos is going to give you the time of the day, and the right is very eager. But I want to scream THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS!!! so much. And thats with the ones I think are sincere, from the Venezuelan side I mean. And of course that ends up reinforcing the vicious circle - if they are friendly with - insert hated right wing idiot - in my country, then further proof it is all a right-wing plot.

The whole Venezuelan situation has become a tropical Cold War 2.0 farce, but under that farce there are real problems, real crimes, real people suffering, real attacks on human rights and democracy. But sometimes we cant see that because ridiculous clowns like Cano and the equivalent on the left side make it about themselves. I swear, there are times that you see arguments like "I oppose having new bike lanes because “THAT IS VENEZUELAN CASTROCHAVISMO!!!111!1!!! WAKE UP THIS IS HAPPENING HERE TOO!!!” and, well, you can imagine it is as good to my blood pressure as the “VENEZUELA IS PERFECT, IT IS ALL A MEDIA CAMPAIGN!!!” crowd.


For what I’m reading, not only demonstrators and opposition politicians, they are arresting the witness, the people that go to the polling station to watch the proceedings and keep it honest.

There is also the thing with VenApp, an application the government has for people to report problems with public services so they can go and make a production out of how they are doing their work. Well, Maduro said that it would also have the option now to “confidentially” denounce who in your neighbourghood is protesting. The app is now no longer available on Google Play or Apple App Store, but is still working if you got it already installed.

Maduro also went to the Supreme Tribunal and asked them to “take charge” of verifying the election, which is irregular as all hell because again, the CNE (Chavista led) should have published results last Tuesday and still nothing, but now you have the (Chavista) Tribunal to go and make them? But the real reason came later when he said that of course his party has 100% of the tallies, that they would deliver it to the Tribunal… and all other parties have to do the same.

Basically, give me all the evidence and then my pet Supreme Tribunal will say it is all fake.


To say something on the other direction, I’m very angry right now seeing how it is the second Venezuelan in YouTube I see explaining to the deluge of people living abroad demanding that they say stuff because if they dont they are “lukewarm” on the regime, that the only explanation they should need is that they STILL LIVE IN VENEZUELA. People that have long histories of being anti-Chavista having to justify why they arent being as clear as some of us, outside and safe and free, want them to be.

Specially when in another speech, Maduro announced he was going to create 2 new high security prisons for all the detained in the protest so they can be “reeducated”.


Meanwhile, some folks still be like :thinking: “but why don’t you mention the sanctions, the economic war and, and… their revolution… the oil… are you employed by the CIA??”

BTW doing some of my CIA asset duty; here is the web with the data from the actas the opposition have:


A blue map, without a trace of red.




Don’t know if we should open an independent thread about this, as it seems this is going to take more than 5 days to resolve.

At this point IDK if this is manipulated or real but Maduro is saying Elon Musk hacked the National congress of Venezuela and that’s why he cannot post the results :confused: