Exit polls showed opposition easily defeating Venezuela's Nicolás Maduro, but he has declared victory anyway

[Brazil to take custody of Argentine embassy in Venezuela: Milei - Insider Paper]

[Venezuela’s Maduro Risks Regional Retribution in Argentina Embassy Standoff - Bloomberg]


Milei says Thank you, Brazil.

[Javier Milei agradece Brasil por assumir embaixada argentina na Venezuela | CNN Brasil]


Hey Canadians, if Trump forcibly takes power after losing this next election, we want you to also not recognize our government either.


*laughs hysterically in Venezuelan


Perhaps @leaders can adjust the timeout timer?


Elon has been posting about Venezuela and a lot of people are very happy with him for that. I dont do Twitter anymore for the obvious reasons but it is hard to fight the urge to log in because it is still the social network that most people use to communicate stuff about Venezuela. Of course that also means it is where you get more of the bullshit, but its a bit like panning for gold.

Broken clock and all that, or even more than that, because again, associating with Musk is not a good idea IMHO, but again, people in Venezuela and the diaspora are very eager to get any support whatsoever.

Same with Milei. Although I have to take my hat off to whoever managed to get the Milei Twitter account to post a positive message of thanks to Brazil.



Happy I Like It GIF


Let us hope a month really is all that’s needed!


About 1 h ago the opposition started a big rally in Caracas, for what I’ve seen till now, without incidents, but well, it is still early.

Of the 10 presidential candidates, 9 went to the TSJ (the Supreme Tribunal), except Edmundo, who Maduro of course started to call coward, where are you, you dont recognize the justice in this country, bla bla bla. Of those 9, 8 signed the document saying they will respect the decision of the tribunal, which again was expected given that they are basically your average Potemkin opposition… except Enrique Márquez, who even if he didnt unite with the main group for this election is showing up some really strong bonafides, saying that he doesnt know why he has been requested to go to the tribunal, he doesnt know exactly what Maduro is asking a “amparo” (no idea of the word in English for when a tribunal says some measure has to be stopped), if he is requesting it for the CNE declaring him president, and that he doesnt sign anything till the CNE does what by law has to do and shows the results with all the detail by station.


thanks @milliefink ! Do you think it would also be possible to fix the title? OP wrote “Venezue~a~la” :pray:


You’re welcome!

Leaders can’t change BB post thread titles. @beschizza, would you mind fixing that typo in the title, since this thread will be open again for awhile?

Edit: I see the title is fixed, thanks @beschizza !!


I covered Venezuela’s 3-week presidential campaign season, the elections, and their fallout for TeleSur English, the multilateral public TV news network funded by the governments of Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. I am an experienced analyst on Brazilian politics, but I do not claim to be a specialist on Venezuela. The following is not analysis but a description of events I witnessed on election night. I invite readers to use it to help with their own assessments of the political situation.

Maria Corina Machado, Edmundo Gonzalez, and the PUD announced weeks before the election that they were not going to respect the democratic rule of law and would tally their own election results. What I witnessed in front of Andre Bello polling station on Sunday night appears to have been a form of theater – one of many tactics used to produce and disseminate videos to delegitimize the election, that was standardized at many polling centers across Caracas.


“Multilateral public TV network” sound nice. For sure, nicer than “a TV station owned by the governments of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba, with the first one putting most of the money”.

It is now a week, and the CNE still has not published the results, something that by law should have been done the previous Tuesday. All the rest, including that article, is the “theater” that Maduro and company set up.




Yea, that was a video published by the “ZODI” (something like “Integral Defense Operative Zone”, a military command basically) in Nueva Esparta state. You see a drone flight showing rows and rows of those guys and at the end one Chávez statue. Now, are they going to be night and day guarding the statue that way… from only that side… or it was just the video, well, who knows.

But kinda shows the priorities. Even if they relaxed the whole “Aquí no se habla mal de Chávez” (Here you dont speak ill of Chávez) that used to be in all public offices.



Yeah, TeleSur is, and always has been, a blatant propaganda outlet, with coordinated daily talking points, unified and unilateral narrative and a repetitive constant messaging, in conjunction with social media trends run mainly by bots and “bio bots” at unison with local state run TV stations, in all the “revolutionary” and “revolutionary adjacent” countries of the region, I don’t know why ppl still take them seriously or give them relevance in these situations.

The “both sides” argument is naive and/or blissfully ignorant, it’s like give to white nationalist an equal foothold on media bc, you “need to hear both sides”; there are no sides if you deal with totalitarian, despotic regimes or movements; That’s why antifa exist, you do not argue with fascist, you go and punch them in the face, you point them out, you don’t engage in discussions with them, they basically want you to shut up and yield, they don’t want to deliberate and compromise.

It’s like someone from idk… New Zealand quoting an article from Newsmax in a thread about The US politics; saying something like; Democrats are gerrymandering their way into power and denying election results when they lose, and the GOP is fighting the good fight… like it was a real thing that is happening, with a complete straight face! Is mind-boggling. Very hard to take that seriously.

Just a search in that outlet, about Alex Saab, gives you everything you need to know about the editorial bias, it’s chavista wonderland.

BTW, there is an in depth frontline episode about it. Quite interesting, but ultimately sad, like almost all Venezuelan investigative news stories.

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If you can’t say anything bad about late Chavez, you can always topple down some statues…

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Background on the computerised voting system, written before the election.

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