Facebook: Bloomberg campaign memes won't be classified as political ads

I liked your post assuming it’s sarcastic. I’m like, 95% sure it was sarcastic… please, please, please…


sort of? it seemed the logical extension of the first comment on the page. not sure if they took their own comment seriously or not

personally, i don’t think politics is a game of teams. not for me anyway. i think you argue for and work towards ends because of principles.

people should fight out of principle, so why throw those principles out in the fight?


I’m not actually sure I see the problem with FBs stance on this. From where they’re sitting, anything on FB is only an ad if they’re getting payed for it, and that seems to be exactly the line they’re taking here.

To put it another way, it they’re not getting payed for it, how are they supposed to know it’s an ad, as opposed to just a meme, of the type that many politicians’ supporters create and share without any endorsement from the politicians themselves?

You haven’t heard about the voter suppression measures taken by GOP? Or the Russian interference with the election? Or all the other dirty tricks? The 2020 Election Will Be a War of Disinformation - The Atlantic

Yes, of course, but your initial post had to do with memes or “dirty tricks” that could have an impact on the typical voter’s mind. The “dirty tricks” you’re now referring to are of a totally different class.

Zuck: They “trust me”

Zuck: Dumb fucks.

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What I’ve seen so far doesn’t even rise to the level of stupid. They are stoopid.

Do we need an “OK Bloomberg” thread?

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JFC, we’re doing this again?

Bloomberg says:
“The young people—I don’t mean to knock young people, I wish I was one again—but young people listened to Bernie Sanders, and they said ‘yeah Democratic, that’s good. Socialism. Yeah, that’s that social media stuff,” Bloomberg says in the clip. “Because our kids no longer learn civics in school. They no longer study western history, they no longer read western literature.”

Most of the socialists i talk to online do read western history and literature. They just don’t care about what you think is important. I also get the feeling that the civics that Bloomberg wants would be more accurately called indoctrination.

But Bloomberg is someone who deliberately conflates all socialism with Marxism-Leninism for his own election benefit, ironically using the M-L criticism “you guys don’t read theory” in the process.

“We are trying to change and dumb down the system, and if you don’t know what happened in the past, you’re going to have to relive it. It’s unfortunate, but true. I think it’s very dangerous, the world we’re going into. You see both the left and the right coming up here, and the middle is getting–unfortunately—not listened to anymore. It’s the extremists that are going to shape the political culture, if we’re not careful, going forward.”

I have to repeat this yet again. Bernie Sanders is nowhere near extreme left. He is centre left on the global scale. Bloomberg on the other hand is very conservative and far closer to one of the groups of extremists that he fears than Bernie is to either. He is the modern Zentrum, not a true centrist but a right wing appeaser.


It’s not like a secret that Bloomberg is a Republican, but Jesus does Bloomberg have to be soooo Republican?


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