Facebook helps launch American Edge, lobbying group in DC to fight antitrust regulators

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/05/12/facebook-helps-launch-american.html

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Zuck: Quick! Move it or lose it! No better time than a pandemic to launch American Edge!


Just going to leave this here.


What the American consumer has been clamoring for is less choice and more concentration of power.

This will also streamline government contracting by limiting that pesky competition on price and quality making for a more efficient raking off of your tax dollars to plutocrats.


Ugh, I can’t muster another “I hate monopolists” comment.

These people deserve the wrath that will fall on their grossly privileged offspring.


From the economist Michael Hudson: A free market was one free of such “unearned” income – a market in which prices reflected actual necessary costs of production or, in the case of public services and basic infrastructure, would be subsidized in order to make economies more competitive. Most reformers accordingly urged – and expected – land, monopolies and banking privileges to be nationalized, or at least to have their free-lunch income taxed away.


The trust-busters have been totally out of control in recent years. It’s nice to have billionaires like Zuckerberg always thinking of the common good.

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Did you ever notice that anytime you see a picture of Zuckerberg he looks oily?

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