Facebook to demand "clear photo of your face"

FB is handy for inviting people to parties, and mildly useful as a way of keeping touch with non-close friends. I believe that for me, the negative aspects of it are blunted by the fact that I don’t have a smart-phone. It only intrudes intrudes in my life when I make a conscious decision to sit down at my computer and look at it. It isn’t my “go to” mental occupation for momentary down-time as it is for many people.

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Just wait until Facebook buys 23andMe or Ancestry.com


The previous British government actually had the idea of saving money by using Facebook as an identification system for the general public.
What really worries me is that now we’re being dragged out of the EU by the evil and the stupid, and are no longer protected by various EU directives, they’ll look at it again. For great trade deal! MAGA!


For some time, I’ve been considering an experiment where I email the legal departments given online companies (Facebook especially), the ones where you agree to long TOSs that nobody reads, and stating that I no longer agree to the terms, perhaps citing specific sections and asking to be exempted from them.

I suspect that my request would be a) disregarded in most cases, b) have my account summarily deleted in a couple, or c) making coffee for unexpected company from the FBI in my living room for a small percentage.

I really wonder if any of them would be willing to d) modify my account to not share my data or information to create from my data. (cue the ‘thats not how this works’ meme)


Challenged as hyperbole (if you are talking about FB rather than SSN).

In the last two years, one online forum I used to frequent switched to Facebook for their comment system. Big fuckin deal.

That’s the sum total of things I need or want to do online that I can’t do without FB.


I don’t have a recent photo, would a sketch do?



Maybe it’s coming, but I’ve yet to encounter somewhere that only accepts FB.


People are really intent on defending Facebook. That’s truly incredible to me. You realize you pay nothing for it, and therefore they could delete everything you put up there on a whim and you’d have no recourse, right? There are many people out there who live happy healthy lives without Facebook.


What if I have an identical twin?



And now that net neutrality is dying, you will only get facebook, unless you can afford the premium internet bundle.


Goatse is the only “correct” response to this prompt from facebook.


Great. Let me get some popcorn when I’ll watch you convincing 2 billions users to quit Facebook.


I’ve never had a Facebook or Twitter account, and never will. I manage to do online shopping any time I need something without resorting to any 3rd party login just fine.


Yes, it’s Facebook, the pantomime demon. Everyone go boo. Okay, we done?

We all agree that it is possible to fake personalities on Facebook. It is feasible to fake entire communities with networks of likes, and tags in each other’s photo collection, and stuff like that without hand-editing each detail. This is how people spoofed peer-review in journals.

Suppose you are Facebook. You have two accounts - one of a 40-year old bloke, and another one for a teenage boy, who keeps trying to get girls to meet him at the mall. You aspect they are the same person. What do you do? If they are using a phone or a device with a camera, get them to take a current selfie seems like a possible solution. Some of us could probably keep a picture to hand, and fake the timestamps to fake a recent selfie. But it isn’t easy, and your average creep would rather spend their time creeping or whatever it is called, then doing that.

Yes. I don’t like the idea that Facebook gets to decide who is normal and who needs checking. But do you have a better idea?

Kinda funny since I don’t have any pics on Facebook I think in years. The rest I’ve deleted because I’m of the opinion my pictures aren’t worth keeping if I find them horrible looking (I suck at taking selfies, go figure). But the fact that I use artwork for my profile pictures now (like mine here) is kinda gonna be a problem for them since that’s the only picture they’ll get. Heck, I only have a couple photos on Twitter which I’ve been thinking about removing as well. So where are they going to link up these photos to recognize who I am? From an ancient student ID photo? LOL

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Facebook needs more security. There are so many scams on that site. Just recently I heard about a scam where people pretending to be Facebook administrators asked users to send them nude pictures.

I mean, that WAS a scam, right?



That’s what bbs is for.



No, but seriously.

What the actual fuck???


Yeah… like facebook is where everyone goes for revenge porn?