Facebook's "shadow profiles": the involuntary dossiers of information you never provided, and can't opt out of

Any clues of how it did the match-up? With mine, I checked with them to see if it could have been from their end, nope.

I’m connected to his brother, who I actually DO know. But it doesn’t recommend any of my husband’s other relatives. I don’t get, say, any of my sisters-in-law’s brothers or sisters recommended.

OK, you got me. I do get spam from Facebook asking “Do you know this person?,” but they all go into trash.

I’ve never had a Facebook or Twitter account and never will. Same with my wife. There are only 2 images of me that explicitly identify me on the interwebs; one of them I can’t even find anymore. As for contributing to these datamining pricks -
Fuck Zuckerberg et al.

I often* use Ghostery and uBlock Origin, as well as some other tools, to minimise the data trail.
(Anyone looked at BB’s tracking list Ghostery reports? Well.)

This, of course, isn’t enough, since dozens of people I know use WhatsApp and refuse to use anything else.

'* Mostly isn’t good enough, also. I’m writing this on mobile, using an android device and chrome. I have Firefox on android, using my usual plugins - which chrome on android can’t use - but it’s a pain of you ever compared the two. FF scrolling is just annoying me.

I’m not so privacy-conscientious after all, am I?

Also, I know resistance is futile.

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The single most disturbing thing that’s ever happened to me on the internet was when Facebook suggested that I might want to be friends with the man who raped me over 25 years ago. No friends in common – it must have been a friend-of-a-friend thing, but the creep-out factor was pretty massive.


I still have a FB account for the same reason I had to sign up for it 12 years ago - a RL group I’m in decided that it would be the best organ of communication.
The first time, I was in college, and the other people of FB were also in college, and we could all share info on the play we were in, including uploading all the various pictures and selfies. Now, it’s crap because each committee of the group I’m involved with has their own secret group or special page or whatever nonsense, and I have been hammering on the administration of the group not to do our business on FB for $REASONS.

I only visit when I get an email notification that my committee page has a new post, or someone tagged me. The part that bothers me is that I get random email notifications about regular posts and status updates from people in our group, but not in our committee. I get 3 or 4 day for 2 or 3 days after I visit. And it’s usually people I’m not friendly with, just acquaintances from the group IRL.
Why does FB think I would care about these people’s status updates?

Facebook keeps suggesting people to me that I’ve never heard of and have no friends in common with. I have a policy of never friending someone, much less taking a suggestion. I figure this must be them fishing for connections.


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