Family fake-kidnapped 6-year-old to teach him to mistrust strangers

sure, it was in missouri, but to be fair it’s TROY, missouri. rural missouri is quantifiably different from the populated parts.


In that it’s nicer place to stay for a week than St. Louis or KC and with generally more friendly folks?

Well, I hope that they were right. I hope the boy never sees his Mommy again.

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i did say “different” – YMMV, of course. i happen to love St. Louis.

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We had to destroy the child in order to save it.

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When I was a kid I was too ugly for the free candy van. They sent me over to the half price candy van.

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They didn’t think to bring zipties? That should have clued the kid in that he was dealing with rank amateurs.


What was the plan? Take the jacket off his head, say “Let that be a lesson to you!” then ask him what he wants for dinner?

These are unfit humans.

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What a wonderful bunch of folks! (sarcasm) Just imagine the nightmares this kid will have for the rest of his life. I can’t possibly imagine the mind-set that some folks must have to do something like this! This is true horror, in every sense of that word.

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From now on, I’m going to fantasize about spray-painting “Free Candy” along the side of every early-model van I see.

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would it be too cruel or just punishment to sentence the mom to death row, and when she is in the electric chair have it make a loud buzzing sound then pop out and say “just kidding…hope you learned a lesson that it isn’t a good idea to do this kind of shit!”


Yes, and Yes!


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