Fan re-edits The Hobbit single, reasonable movie

Been done.

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The bunny sled.

That goddamn bunny sled.


Ooh an elf-physics fan club.


I’m impressed by how his cape precedes him as his body flips up toward the horse. He must shop for fashion accessories at the same place as Doctor Strange.


Magic? We just call it cloth?

Maaaaaagical cloth.

Don’t they have rope that unties itself and other elfen-tech stuff like that?


That does seem to be a reliable standby explanation in these films.


At least they took the time to establish that Legolas is a big jerk and a show off.


Cannot download. Endless adware/malware redirects for Flash and MacKeeper.

Actually works just fine!
If you don’t believe me just go grab yourself a decent sized trash can (preferably clean) and go puttering about your swimming pool. As long as the volume of the container exceeds your body volume by some decent percentage you’ll always float.*

*(Yeah, yeah, technicalities, the total weight of yourself plus the container must be less than the total weight of water displaced by said container.)

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I think he’s more referencing all the ‘idiot gimli’ moments vs the ‘perfect legolas’ moments.

It sure as hell annoyed the shit out of me.


No, I’m referring to Gimli’s comments that he expected a warm welcome and a jolly good time in Moria, when he knew full well that Moria had fallen and was overrun with Orcs.

I just re-read that part of the book, and while he had hope that perhaps Balin would be found in the halls, perhaps with an entourage, he knew Moria was no longer a great city of dwarves.

I don’t take issue with Gimli’s comments upon finding Balin’s Tomb, I take issue with his comments before arriving in Moria at all.


Have you actually done this? The volume of a barrel is so far above the volume needed to float a person (think of the volume of a boogie board compared to a barrel) that it would bob up too high, fall over, and sink.

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All I care about is whether anyone got my reference or not.
(The joke was about the title of the piece that the character I cited is from.)

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So how does this one compare to the Tolkien Edit, the Maple Films Edit, or the Bilbo Edition?

There are too many Hobbit fan edits.

Interesting comparison, I suspect a larger boogie board and a smaller barrel aren’t too far off volumetricly. In this case we’re talking about wine casks, which are on the smaller side, though I’ve never tried one myself. I’d be more suspicious of the fact that even in rough rapids and splashing they never seemed to fill up with water! Carrying the examination further though, if they did fill up with water they’d likely still float as the dwarven body can’t be too far off of 70% water and the wood itself should still be buoyant.

Sorry but you suspect wrong. Lots of people have poor intuition about volume, but I’m professional. let’s call a boogie board the generous dimensions of 2 inches by 48 inches by 24 inches. That’s one and a third cubic feet equal to 10 gallons. even a small trash can is 30 gallons and a drum that would fit a normal human is 55 gallon.

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I chose not to see the films. All I know of the barrel scene is from this article


But was that really worse than the stupid “snowboarding on a shield” crap from the LOTR movies? I don’t really see a decline in quality from those. They are both insults to the source material IMHO.


I was so annoyed at the end of the second Hobbit film that I decided not to watch the last one, despite having seen the other 5 in the theater.

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there’s the rub. The barrels were full of dwarves, not men, and not Dúnedain either.