Far Cry 7 will feature a real-time time limit

The Last Express used this real time mechanic as far back as 1997. It was a difficult (but very good) game.


The OG was fucking great. Then they introduced grind and a million side quests.


Have you played subnautica? It’s quite free-wheeling with lots of crafting and exploring, with some absolutely terrifying, lovecraftian-grade, unkillable benthic horrors to avoid if you do fancy a bit of in game stress (even playing god mode, with all the best kit available, they’re still gonna stomp you if you stray into their territory) Lovely scenery and a nifty storyline. There’s another, arctic-based one as well, which I think was subnautica’s predecessor. It’s light on resources as well, even my creaky old pc plays it just fine.


Subnautica: Below Zero is Subnautica’s sequel, not predecessor.

Subnautica is also one of my favourite games of all time.


Makes you wonder if some of the “painstaking” was cut from the budget this time around, and the time limit is to keep you from poking around some of the lower budget corners of the world for too long…

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Aaaaah. I knew they were related.

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Sounds like the stupidest thing ever to add to an open world game, yes we’ve imposed a dumb arse time limit to this game, yeah if this is true I either hope it can be disabled or I 100% won’t be playing it along with 90% of far cry fans.

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