FBI has been harassing a Tor developer since 2015, won't tell her or her lawyer why

It seems to help with my own HR department. “I flat out state this this isn’t a corporate twitter account and that the opinions on it are mine alone…” versus “Well, the person works for your company and they seem to be a spokesperson for it on twitter” in a complaint.

If I may interject:

I think the two of you are talking past each other.

@TheChineseWatch, if you meant to say, “The Constitution doesn’t address whether you have the right to a lawyer when you’re just ‘talking’ to law enforcement,” you may have a point, but you expressed that point poorly.

@AcerPlatanoides, of course the First Amendment addresses talking: it even uses the word “speech.”. However, in context, I don’t think that’s what he’s referring to when he says “The constitution does not address ‘talking.’”

That quote was in reply to this one:

The Constitution only says that you’re entitled to a lawyer to represent you in criminal proceedings, not necessarily for a friendly chat. However, absent criminal proceedings going on, the developer is also free to refuse to come in for that friendly chat altogether.

I think that’s the point that @thechinesewatch was trying to get across.

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I’m glad you’re here to do his work for him.

Doesn’t excuse the personal comments. (eta: since deleted by a mod I guess)

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I don’t think a disclaimer would have helped any. Maybe if they included it in every single post. It was more about documenting the drunken behaviour than anything else.

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