
:purple_heart: Excellent! Will you be using an airlock, or covering your jar with cloth, or something else entirely? :purple_heart:

Me too!

My daughter tooā€¦ sheā€™s ready for the new book based on the play to come out at the end of the month, I think!

:heart_decoration: :purple_heart: :heart_eyes_cat: Iā€™m using the jar lid, lightly (very lightly) screwed on. Iā€™ve got my fingers crossed not to have any issues this time around but I probably wonā€™t do it this way again. I just couldnā€™t remember the second thing I needed when I placed my last online order. :heart_eyes_cat: :purple_heart: :heart_decoration:

Seems to be working fine for the youtuber Iā€™m watching but I donā€™t like fretting over the health of my symbiotic bacteria colonies. :worried: Worse come to worse, Iā€™ll just have to do it again. Which Iā€™d have to do whether it was a success or failure because food is for eating. :laughing:

Iā€™m finding it weird going back to read Philosopherā€™s Stone for the first time in years and seeing all these things Iā€™d forgotten about. I havenā€™t even gotten to the Hogwarts Express yet. :laughing: But I have been reading in between kitchen, laundry, and sauerkraut processes.

I only just figured out my new Kindle supports Open Dyslexic font. Iā€™ve already read two books on it the hard way. :massage:

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Here they are. One on the left was made with a cabbage I used less of ā€¦ and two serrano peppers. I had to add some brine because it didnā€™t make quite enough brine of its own. Also why it came out less cloudy, I guess.

One on the right is the first cabbage. And cabbage and salt are all I used in it. :laughing:


I didnā€™t feel like the sauerkraut was done on day four so I left it a few more days. It smells like I think it should now so I put it in the fridge. It doesnā€™t look a whole lot different than it did in the photos above (other than the one on the right overflowed a bit :laughing: ) so Iā€™ll spare you all additional pictures until itā€™s time to eat at least.

My airlock lids came in so Iā€™m tempted to empty one of the jars and freeze it so I can make the next thing. I need to buy more vegetables before I bother with that though. Youā€™re safe for now, serrano kraut. :octopus:


Sauerkraut is a success. Tastes amazing and itā€™s crunchier than I expected by a fair bit. With my roommateā€™s help, I think weā€™re going to knock this jar out in no time. Which is good because my airlocks came in and I want to make another one.


Nice work! Looks yummy!


The crunchiness is one of the best things about making kraut at home. One day my boyfriend and I were grocery shopping and someone was giving out samples of sauerkraut that was packaged in a bag with a valve, because it was still fermenting. And it was so nice and crunchy, like we never knew sauerkraut could be, and he said, ā€œHey, I bet I could do that!ā€ So he started with a food-safe bucket, and when it turned out to be really easy, I got him a crock with a water seal. So now there is kraut in the house most of the time :yum:


I attended my first fermentation intro class. I received taste samples of kraut and kimchi.
I was surprised to learn that the class instructor had not ever heard of switchel, which Iā€™ve been making close to daily in this hot summer. She seems to think itā€™s a shrub because vinegar is added to it. (I use apple cider vinegar with water and minced ginger, with some stevia. Sorry if this was covered before, itā€™s late and hot and Iā€™ll probably read through the whole thread while Iā€™ve got my first ferment going.

I kinda want to bring my fermented stuff over the border but wonder if the alcohol content of a kombucha scoby would concern the border officers.


Two ferments just started:

Red cabbage/onion/garlic on the left. Persian cukes/onion/garlic on the right. (Plus spices and brine from a previous kraut batch.)


I think I am gonna make some kraut next week finally. MrsTobinL stumbled on a kimchee class at the local farmers market yesterday. The kraut I tasted was so yummy, I probably would have scarfed the whole jar down if I had the chance at it.

ETA and I totally forgot she posted it aboveā€¦ also should I start using @JemmieDuffs instead of MrsTobinL now?


I has a sad - I neglected to check my pickles over the past couple of days and found some lovely mold colonies floating on top. And the brine was slimy. Damn it! No pickles for me. :sob:

The red cabbage, however, is fine and dandy. Just needs a few more days to mature.


Those airlock lids that Mark(?) mentioned are the wrong size for my jars. Neither screw on but one fits neatly (and reasonably snug without stretching plastic) over the rim of the jar. The other ā€¦ not so much. I didnā€™t know I didnā€™t have wide mouthed jars. :confused:

Fair warning and all that. If you want a real airlock and you have a drill, itā€™s probably better cheaper to buy the same airlock/bung combo and drill an existing lid. At $28/pair, the advantages were kind of slim anyway. The advantages of the neat plastic lid (and the convenience of getting it all together) are somewhat lost if youā€™re not already using wide mouthed jars.

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Started a batch of beets yesterday:

Sliced the beets into thin quarter rounds, threw in 5 garlic cloves and 1T of mustard seeds, poured some brine over it, then covered with a thick beet slice and a pickle pebble.


So what is a good salt/water mix for brine? I used a bit too much for my kraut, but the satly/garlicy flavor was nice for a bit.
I need to start a new non red batch this week.


If I add brine, I use 1T salt to 12-16 oz water. I also add at least 1T of brine from a previous batch, to kick-start the fermentation. I tend not to add any brine when Iā€™m making 'kraut with green cabbage, because I massage the heck out of it to draw out the liquid.


Oh yeah I think I probably used about 2T salt on the last batchā€¦ the instructions I found online didnā€™t really give amounts so I just shook a bunch into the cabbageā€¦ still yummy but salty.


I go with about 1T of salt for around 1.5 - 2 lbs of cabbage.


Thanks! I am gonna get a jalapeno for the next bunch. Yummm!


Thinking of having a go at some kraut. Just need a big jar, some cabbage and some salt, is that right?