Originally published at: Finance startup names itself Nonce, a cryptographic term that is also UK term for child rapists | Boing Boing
Just when you think that NFTs can’t get any more ridiculous…
Also a common term in linguistics.
In the one-time-use sense, it goes back to Chaucer:
From Middle English for þe nones , for þe nanes , a rebracketing of earlier for þen ānes (literally “for the once”).
Maybe they specialise in NFTs for digital copies of Rolf Harris paintings. I cannot think of any reason to call it Nonce, otherwise.
Never heard the word before today.
Ounce, dice, trice, quartz, quince, hence, sense, ox, nonce, dense.
I don’t believe you. You’re talking nonce sense.
Are you checking mostly British dictionaries? I checked (online) Merriam-Webster, American Heritage, dictionary.com (apparently based in the US), no mention of kiddy fiddlers. Didn’t find anything until I checked Cambridge English, which irritatingly leaves out the “particular instance” meaning.
Reminds me of the Rad Gun from Enter the Gungeon. If you reload it at the right time it gets more powerful and says 90s catch phrases.
This guy obviously has some mods running including something slowing down time.
Yeah, but even though based in the US (I think) I imagine wiktionary is pretty much internationally sourced.
A webcomic-wiki I frequent uses it to ID characters and things that make a one-time-only appearance in the strip. Never heard about the pedophilia definition before.
Finally, an appropriate name for a crypto company.
A word with a rich, illustrious history gets arrested just the one time, and ends up irrevocably broken by the experience.
For that Guy Richian flavor, you can tell folks that it’s a Acronym for Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise
“Nonce” is also somewhat archaic English for “one” or “the one”, e.g. “for the nonce,” by Shakespeare:
CLAUDIUS When in your motion you are hot and dry,–
As make your bouts more violent to that end,–
And that he calls for drink, I’ll have prepar’d him
A chalice for the nonce; whereon but sipping,
If he by chance escape your venom’d stuck,
Our purpose may hold there.
Here it means “for a particular purpose/occasion”.
Not that you’ll find it in common usage, out of drama/theatrical circles ^^’ .
Has anybody actually checked what Chris Morris is doing right now?
Note to self… Make sure to Google name of any company before registering name.
Secondary note: Probably should run it through urbandictionary as well…
Doesn’t urban dictionary have an obscene definition for every word?
They probably picked it because the url was available.