Flash fiction: Monologue by an unnamed mage

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/12/21/flash-fiction-monologue-by-an.html


Rob, did you paint that illustration for it? It’s perfect.


Yes. Cheers !


I’m an embarrassingly huge fan of hers, and it’s lovely to see her get this kind of exposure.

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Sobbing with frustration.

The words string together to create a wonderful world, filled with school after school of magic users engaged in a “Romeo and Juliet” level rivalry. The speaker’s emotions shine, enrapture and fairly bleed through the screen. I would weep tears of joy if I could produce prose this gorgeous.

But what, in the name of all that is sacred and fine, is the point? That they are two young students of the arcane, caught in a forbidden love and forced to fight a war that neither supports comes through clearly… But what is going on? Who is the enemy? Why has the conflict arisen, and what is its nature?

I’ll allow for the possibility that this story is little more than the agonized scream of the young, forced into fighting for the pleasure and profit of the old and powerful. Is that it? The author bringing the mindless insanity of war to the high fantasy milieu?


I started imagining the monologue being screamed at a poetry slam open mic night, and then I couldn’t stop hearing it that way.

I’d suggest you try it yourself, but do it at your own risk.


It does read like something that would make a great oratory performance.

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I think the journey is the destination.

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Ahh, the true meaning of Decemberween.


If the journey is the destination I’m already there.

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This is brilliant stuff!

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