Yes for the ship. No for the barge traffic. That’s just because the water level is so low; not because the ship can block the Mississippi. It’s way too wide.
Badly written B-movie, then.
Good. they can die mad. Pay your taxes, farmers.
Another glacier ready to slip into the Antarctic Ocean, this time the Denman Glacier on the east side, with 1.5m of potential sea level rise.
Until relatively recently, it was thought east Antarctica would not experience the same rapid ice loss that is occurring in the west. But some recent studies have shown warm water is reaching that part of the continent too.
If all of Denman melted, it would result in about 1.5 meters (5 feet) of sea level rise worldwide.
Vulnerability of Denman Glacier to Ocean Heat Flux Revealed by Profiling Float Observations
Esmee M. Wijk, Stephen R. Rintoul, Luke O. Wallace, Natalia Ribeiro, Laura Herraiz-Borreguero
Geophysical Research Letters
22 September 2022
These observations suggest that the Denman Glacier is potentially at risk from unstable retreat driven by warm water flowing into the cavity and melting the ice from below.
“Unstable retreat”… that can’t be good…
Greed is just a smokescreen for the whole Koch fucked-up ideology.
just say “Koched up”, as in “a right cock-up”.
no other way to pronounce that name.
A potential harbinger of our future as well: