I was surprised to learn, while at a winery in Alsace 20 years ago, that the owner’s cousin was one of the pioneers in producing wine in Québec, from locally grown grapes. At the time I’d thought growing in Québec about as likely as growing .
This undercounting (and the post above mine) are giving me flashbacks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Members of the GOP tend to rely on denial, delayed action, and ducking responsibility. SSDD (that last D is for Disaster).
Flew over southern Alberta today, I think this is just into British Columbia . I count 4 wildfires in this photo. I saw at least 8 more in that area from my side of the plane.
Montana is expected to appeal the ruling, according to Emily Flower, a spokesperson for the state’s Attorney General Austin Knudsen, who called the ruling “absurd.”
“Montanans can’t be blamed for changing the climate—even the plaintiffs’ expert witnesses agreed that our state has no impact on the global climate," Flower said
“We can’t change everything, so we should change nothing.” Now put any of the trans health care rulings in this statement, and the logic holds. “We can’t stop all trans kids from accessing healthcare, so we should stop none.”
(Yes, I know, it’s crossing the threads, but most will be reading both, i think.)