Are we one of those species?
… no, there are more human beings now than ever before — “bad things are happening to many people” is not the same thing as extinction
I dont know; I tend to say “yes”, but I guess then theres always soylent green…
Right now 8 billion people could die, and yet there would still be more of us left to carry on than there were in the Neolithic, a time when our species was surviving and spreading just fine. Extinction is something on a whole different order than any other disasters we’re familiar with.
Ivan Ooze is back and plotting his revenge
Somalia: Dozens killed, half a million displaced by floods
And today it looks like things are going to get even hotter. The forecast for today is that 5 capitals will record temperatures above 41°C.
tl;dr: It’s not too late, we could still fix this. But it will be expensive and inconvenient. That’s where the report stops. The conclusion is left as an exercise for the reader.
But analysis by Global Witness has found it would take the company 343 years to capture all the CO2 emissions it will produce in just the next six years.
Jonathan Noronha Gant from Global Witness said the findings proved carbon capture was “a dangerous red herring” that would do nothing to tackle the climate crisis
jah, no shit, sherlock.