Floods, Fires, and Heat Domes (the climate change thread)

plastic(s) are notoriously difficult to really recycle (as having the same proberties as new). almost every “recycle”-process for plastic means significant more energy than making new one and scaling is a real problem.

I know my opinion on this matter is very unpopular, but -besides just producing much less-; just fucking burn* it under controlled conditions and get the energy out of it (its fossil-fuel after all). compared to what is burnend for energy from fossil every day, this would be almost nothing (as in emitting co2).

and stop exporting this shit to africa; there is no “recycling” of plastics there!

e/ * around 400 million tons were produced 2022 - ca 150 million tons were waste. say 1 kg burned plastic emits ca 3 kg co2 (equivalent to gas/coal in between), that would be around 450-500 million tons of co2 - thats about 1-1.2% of the global output of co2. (e2/ changed %, remembered global output wrong, apologies.)

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