Florida Man arrested for shooting down Walmart delivery drones

the reason Nevada, and neighboring states, restrict rainwater catchment is that they border the Colorado River, where every last drop is overpromised to users downstream in the agricultural sectors of Arizona and California, as well as water for the overdevelopment of the municipalities downriver. then, (and only then) are the treaties with Native American lands and international water agreements with Mexico even considered.
so, @Franko is considered a water thief if collecting rainwater that, by treaty and multistate agreement, belongs to golf courses in Phoenix or 29 Palms, lettuce fields in Yuma (and inconsequentialally to the Navajo Nation or to Mexican farmers across the border.)

in other words…
it fucking sucks.


Well, bloody hell.

What’s the phrase for when you’re enlightened and instantly depressed at the same time?


“you can’t take the sky from me.”


Around here, we use the phrase “American history.”




Wait. Back up.

When did Walmart start delivering with drones? I know Amazon talked about it, but I still have to get groceries delivered by human. When did drones become an option?

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There’s an incredibly nerdy site I found back in the StumbleUpon days where people were making pop bottle rockets pressurised with footpumps, and they used dish soap too, apparently to provide a longer thrust period. It seemed to work, as they were building multi-stage boosters with telemetry and guidance circuits and like that. Dunno about the mystery fluid, but it could be glycerin for extra bubbliness?


I’m still trying to understand the logic at work. With a rain barrel, the water is still going to end up soaking into the ground and return to the water table. (Though given how dry Nevada is, I wonder how much rain actually soaks in and how much simply evaporates.) Just the timing will be delayed. Either way it gets there.

Or is this just the relentless march of bureaucracy?

If you capture the water and put it on the plants in your yard, any water those plants absorb will be transpired back into the atmosphere. It won’t enter the water table or flow to the Colorado, and so some poor almond farmers will be deprived of the opportunity to pour that water on their trees.

Seriously, almond farming takes 50% of California’s water. Almonds. Not produce, not fruits, not human beings, nuts.


I wonder if, along the way, some a-holes turned collecting roof runoff, into acres of “roof” collection area, and the law went too far in closing the loopholes?

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