Florida man sneezed out his intestines while eating at diner

“Mister, the last time you were here, you showed some real guts.”


Eurgh, flashbacks to reading Palahniuk’s “Guts.”

Speaking of Matlock…there’s a new Matlock!


Weird to find that I’m excited about a tv reboot but it was a good show and it’s hard to go wrong with Bates having fun in this sort of role!

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I don’t know if it’s technically a reboot. She makes a joke about the original Matlock show in the trailer.

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All I can say is I was really glad this story wasn’t tagged “Video”.

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Reading the headline, I wondered what kind of gastrointestinal catastrophe (gastastrophe?) was required for someone’s intestines to exit their nose. I’m glad nothing so gruesome actually happened, and that one’s intestines leaving their abdominal cavity is no longer a death sentence.

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