Florida reported its the biggest one-day increase in Covid-19 deaths so far

Thanks Obama

I prefer to call it the grundle of socialism

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Yes, of course you’re right. I meant that they don’t make the news or ignite reactions because although a huge number of people is affected, accidents are distributed on a much larger timespan, and probably also are perceived as a “normal” thing.

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For sure! People don’t really perceive those deaths, as you say, because they aren’t reported on and we’re trained to view car accidents as exceptional when we do see them. Imagine if people saw three people visibly ill and probably one dead of COVID every day on their way to work? How would they react? That’s about what I see car-accident-wise (at least back when I commuted to an office) every day. Would it make us more or less numb to the threat? I’m not sure. I do get the sense that a lot of people don’t take COVID seriously because unless you work in a hospital, it’s all just news reports and WHO graphs. Most people don’t see it directly.


Agreed, and that would make a huge reason why denialists and nomaskers should be served with occasional visits in hospitals, just like it has been done for decades wrt extermination camps to make people never forget about the Holocaust. I’d like to see those idiots watch in person what’s happening in there, with their face expression framed all the time.

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Where I live (deep red state), there is hardly any media coverage of the deaths. There have lately been a few cautionary yet uplifting stories of recovery, but the only stories about people who have died are about semi-public figures like mayors or police chiefs. No one is screaming with rage from the rooftop that their loved one died from this. It seems to me that there is a stigma associated with Covid-19. Is there such deep buy-in to the idea that only “others” get it (or should get it)? Are they afraid of ostracism, of being called a crisis actor? If every death were made visible and personal, maybe that that would have a similar impact to when the news started covering the troop deaths in Vietnam? Doubtful, but maybe?

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I’m planning a move to Florida, where I will become the drag queen Ronda Santis and wear a BeDazzled Grim Reaper ensemble.


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