Foley artists share how they make sex noises

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Perhaps more than a wee bit not safe for work, but highly recommended (from Volere Volare):


I remember a documentary on Foley artists where both the sound of some one being stabbed and some one walking through muck were created by hitting a half a cabbage covered in ranch dressing with a hammer.

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I have heard that all porn is recorded silent, and then completely foleyed afterward, and if I ever watched, I hear that I might have noticed they aren’t always careful with the timing.

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I’m dubious. Foley and dubbing the voices in later costs money. I doubt most porn producers would want to go to the trouble. (Who are they, Jacques Tati?) If it was rumoured that you heard that you might could have noticed the audio and video out of sync, I suspect that this was due to problems with a/v sync originating in the original filming/videoing or a bad upload.


Just a rumor, I am not in a position to verify.

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And if you were in that position, someone else would still have to do the foley.


Actually what little porn I have seen looked/sounded very badly dubbed to me. This is one reason why it’s not my thing. I’m thinking it would make editing easier, & keep the budget low, if you could use the same voice actors for every clip.
I’m not bragging or taking any kind of moral high ground when I say I haven’t seen much. :musical_note: There is no porn I know to compare with pure imagination…:musical_note:


Hmmm… Well, I’ll definitely grant that there has been European porn imported to the US that was dubbed (probably usually poorly) into English. And that may still be happening. I just have trouble seeing it being done for home grown product. A little foley added I can see, but a complete soundtrack built up from scratch, well, I think that the vast majority of producers wouldn’t see the point.

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Came here from this, not disapp…

Damn, for this.

Oh, whatever…


I’ve seen a nature doc foley man use two rubber washing-up gloves slapped together to represent a pigeon flapping. Can kind of see how that could be used here.

Really hoping people go to their kitchen and try this. :blush:


it’s a very slippery slope


Well it is NOW!


I prefer to make sex noises the old fashioned way, thanks.

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A nasty comedy short depicting a foley artist fisting a jar of mayo to make sex noises for the movies was not far off the truth.

Forget about the movies. You know there has to be someone out there for whom sex does involve fisting a jar of mayo.


Hmm. Now you’ve got me thinking about what a porn movie by Jaques Tati might be like.


with… someone’s grandparents?

I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist. I promise I will next time.

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BWAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :sweat_smile::joy::rofl: