Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/01/04/forbes-is-developing-ai-that-w.html
Hopefully Forbes will also develop AI to read these stories and click on the tooth implant adverts that accompany them.
Readers won’t notice the change. Forbes already reads as if it was written by robots.
Fox uses Weakly Trained Artificial Stupidity the Republican Party to pre-write theirs.
I have a (weak) theory that Smithsonian Smart News does this, and not just for 1st drafts. I’ve tried to follow various author links several times and it always seems to lead nowhere except to some “twitter accounts”.
Thankfully i never see those with all the assorted blockers i have installed but why the owners allow such clickbaity shit on this site defeats me. Facefuck you can understand even though morally the right thing to do is purge it from the site but this crap? Just fucking get rid of it already.
Unfortunately, they’re all written in Russian.
It’s only a matter of time before the boingboing commentariat are wholesale replaced by AI Weiwei sunflower seeds meaning of life 42 quotes on the importance of play in early childhood studies university.
Isn’t it mostly a blog site, anyway? If they replace bloggers with AI, maybe they can also replace the readers (i.e. the human ones) with AI, too.
Already happened:
This BoingBoing article was submitted by FrauenfelderBot.
Hopefully Forbes will also develop AI to read these stories and click on the tooth implant adverts
Ad-clicking bots were developed a decade ago
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