Former SETI director explains what will happen when extraterrestrials contact us

First thing I thought of too!


I was being ironic in the second paragraph there, in case that was unclear :wink:

and waiting for verification, might just take too much unbeareable time.

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There is a long and winding road from “habitable exoplanet” to “technological civilization that has the means and desire to communicate with us”. I’m not writing the possibility off, but it was such a chancy journey for humans to arise that I wouldn’t be surprised if it takes a long, long time to find someone who wants to chat with us.

I remember reading Jared Diamond’s “The Third Chimpanzee” and in it he expresses the same concerns as Hawking. At the time I was disgusted with his attitude but now I’m older it makes perfect sense. Even the so-called “crackpot” UFO lore has gone in this direction over the past decade. It is now believed that an intelligent alien species would be more likely to want to exploit and/or kill us than help us. Anyone doubting this is yet to be awakened.

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