Originally published at: Forty-eight states sue Avid Telecom for 7.5 billion robocalls | Boing Boing
It’d be nice if they sent them 7.5 billion emails, and 7.5 billion copies of the documents letting them know they’re being sued, just to make sure they got the message.
Uh yeah, I’m sure they have “met frequently” with attorneys general, FCC regulators, and anyone else they could lobby, bribe and influence to make sure they weren’t “breaking any laws”
I wonder which states opted out?
Are they like the one in five dentists who don’t recommend sugarless gum?
@frauenfelder the gizmodo link goes to an HBOMax article
Alaska and South Dakota were the opt outs. Though, it’s unclear if that’s because they don’t agree with the lawsuit or they don’t have provable victims.
On behalf of anyone who has received a purported ‘urgent call’ at 4:15 a.m.:
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