Four killed in attack at UK Parliament

Just that I think whoever wrote that tweet is perhaps being a little disingenuous about how the Irish were treated in the UK while the IRA were active.


There aren’t even words for that. Unimaginable.

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If it helps context any, they’re Scottish. But how you got from that tweet to another time and place with people doing other things is a bit lost on me. I don’t even see a thread connecting that tweet to your comment to me.about it. I don’t get it.What was the ‘no’ as a first word, for? I’m stumped. I dinnae see what you saw there.

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No, as in “no, we didn’t ban Irish or Catholics”. I was just agreeing and adding a caveat, musing generally on how the Irish were perceived in the UK in response to IRA attacks.

No biggie, carry on! Sorry for the derail.


Please stop conjuring up some kind of Apocalypse. European Union has 500+ Million inhabitants. This week two of those 500+Million people used their car as a weapon a killed 4 people.

In other news in 2015 414 people died and 32,788 people were injured on the German Autobahn (Motorway) alone. So, yes cars are dangerous, and some people are prone to acts of violence, but that is pretty much it.

Just to add we know little about the London driver except that he was English born with an English name. He is an English and not an Alien (read Muslim) problem.


You are right, but given that the English were / are set to hold on to Northern Ireland for dear life, they couldn’t well pretend that the Irish were nothing to do with them a conundrum which is about to come back and hunt them thanks to Brexit.

The area was evacuated and the only casualty was a journalist who disregarded Police orders. The financial cost on the other hand.


I agree that the ram-and stab thing is not an apocalypse. Lots of things kill more people than Islamic terrorism. Auto accidents are one thing that is easy to bring up, but that is more or less an empty argument. Certainly more children are injured in auto accidents than are injured during forcible rape, but that does not mean that I have to accept forcible child rape, or ram and stab attacks, even in statistically irrelevant numbers.
The London attacker was born Adrian Ajao in Kent, but changed his name to Khalid Masood.

I guess we will soon know what his exact motives were. I think we can safely conclude that it was not an auto accident. He dressed in black, rented a car, then deliberately rammed into pedestrians on a crowded and popular pedestrian walkway. He then jumped out and stabbed people with a large knife, while apparently trying to enter Parliament. It is not unreasonable to assume (at least for now) that his attack was inspired by and patterned after other attacks by Islamic terrorists, that were carried out in exactly the same way.

He shames us all with his bravery.

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No, he was born Adrian Elms or Adrian Russell Elms in Dartford, Kent. The only other thing we know is that he was a black kid raised by a single (presumably white) Mother in 60s, 70s Kent on the South Coast of England. An area which heavily UKIP and known for having racist tendencies. Have you seen Quadrophenia, that’s the place, the environment we are talking about. But this guy didn’t just have the wrong outfit to fit in, he had the wrong skin colour.

All we know for certain, is that he didn’t seem to find his place in society. His final attempt seem to have been Islam, but clearly long before that things were not going right for him.

I live in London and all I can see is that there are many, many very angry young men around, who are unable to find meaningful ways to contribute to society, who have been left behind poorly educated, ill equipped for this world. And that this doesn’t bode well for my and my kids future. These angry men are not going to disappear.

Very much doubt we will know exactly what his motives were. He is dead and everyone else is just guessing.


The world is full of people who don’t fit in. There is no justification for running over dozens of people. Or stabbing them, or blowing them up.
CNN says “His birth name was Adrian Russell Ajao”. But that is a minor point. I agree with you on your main point, that there are too many angry men milling around. What we as a society should be doing about that is a subject beyond the scope of this forum.

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What is the inverse of Arson, Murder and Jaywalking (Warning:tvtropes link)?

And are you Graham Dow?

Graham Dow, the Bishop of Carlisle, has come to public notice for suggesting that the recent floods were God’s judgement on a sinful nation, but not only is he not alone – perhaps just naive to speak so openly about it to a friendly journalist from the Sunday Telegraph – but they are not his weirdest views. An earlier book he wrote on demonic possession shows he believes devils enter up the anus (something Freudian here perhaps) and the signs of possession include wearing black, inappropriate laughter, inexplicable knowledge, Scottish ancestry or relatives who have been miners. You may laugh – inappropriately – but Dow used to be an Oxford college chaplain, indeed once prepared Tony Blair for confirmation, and has risen to be a diocesan bishop.


To explain is not to justify, and despite how you post I can’t think poorly enough of you to believe that you don’t understand that.


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