Frances Glessner Lee created dollhouses of death and changed forensic science

Originally published at: Frances Glessner Lee created dollhouses of death and changed forensic science | Boing Boing


Blew my mind. Totally cool.


I love forensic work, whether watching it or doing it. The field is so broad that it’s only possible to develop expertise in a few aspects; that’s why you see forensic teams in the cop shows.
I find it hilarious to see the warning displayed at the start of a show, “There may be forensic content” or similar. The word forensic only means “relating to, used in, or suitable to a court of law”. It can be verifying or refuting authenticity of documents or money, the age of an item or so many other things that don’t relate to blood and gore.


I had read about these but seeing them at the Smithsonian a few years ago was really impressive (they aren’t there anymore; they were just there on loan). If you ever get a change to see them, do so.


it’s like… take two pictures side by side… and make one different

I enjoy the horror dollhouses at the Freakybuttrue Peculiarium in Portland, though those are less educational.

I believe there was a Futility Closet podcast about Ms. Lee.

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