Free e-copy of Sinclair Lewis' "It Can't Happen Here"

The comparative paucity of evangelicals in the UK doesn’t mean we don’t have our fair share of snake-oil salesfolk.

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The success of outsourcing companies shows that we don’t only have snake oil salespeople, they have partly taken over the government.

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A companion of sorts, IT HAPPENED HERE, a brilliant alternate history film by Kevin Brownlow and Andrew Mollo, filmed on a shoestring and Stanley Kubrick’s leftover film stock, and shows Britain after a fictional Nazi takeover, and the stark facts of collaboration and acceptance. Oswald Moseley has a brief appearance, and the original Darth Vader actor is in it, as well. The lead actress, Pauline Murray, is scarily, heartbreakingly realistic and is an ordinary person caught up in surviving, and much of the cast was a local Science Fiction club. Free:


SPOILER: Yes it can.


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