French pro-Palestine protestors accused of "apology for terrorism"

Season 6 Episode 3 GIF by Parks and Recreation


Politicos and wonks who are cynical AF and/or full of shit, and their followers who can’t simultaneously hold two thoughts both scream that all of us who are demanding an end to this shit are pro-hamass/terrorism and anti-semitic.

It is entirely possible to want this genocidal, enormous overreaction to immediately end w/o thinking such fuckery. We know hamass and bibi the yahoo are both fucked - we just want an end to the murder of innocents and massive destruction. This is a thoroughly one-sided & disproportionate “war.” It is a pack of awful 6-y-olds with big magnifying glasses, spending a sunny day focussing same and their cruelty on a V small anthill indeed, writ obscenely, heartbreakingly and horrifically large.


The three cars in the World Kitchen convoy in Gaza were extremely precisely hit. One, by one, by one, dead center in the middle of the logo on the roof of a civilian aid charity which had already arranged safe passage.

But we are told that it was a mistake, and they all are honourable men.


Another law with unanticipated /s consequences


without seeing the post (it is flagged), I can guess it was another derail of the original topic.

Re: the original topic… seems Europe is getting quite polarized in that regards, at least the one side that is pro-Israel (AFAIK we’re not cracking pro-israeli protests as they are craking pro-palestine protests)

Which doesn’t surprise me much, as France has a very definite anti-muslim streak even under the most “progressive” (France has not had a real left-leaning goverment in, like, forever) mandates, with laws targeting ex-french colonies inmigrants specifically, but in general affecting any of non-christian faith -so much for separation between church and state.

And France is the last big colonial empire remaining so they have even more reasons to support israel. After all, they understand that the only way to retain a foreign territory is for that territory to stop being foreign…




fair enough, let’s chalk my comment to hyperbole :slight_smile:


I certainly don’t see any mention of the latter in anything other than what the politician says.


Which people aren’t doing here… or in MOST protests. :woman_shrugging:


Funny how much concern there is about the possibility of a few anti-Semites among protests against a rogue government butchering thousands of children, destroying everything from hospitals to graveyards, and openly talking about illegal land seizures, compared to far right rallies featuring actual neo-Nazis. And by “funny” I mean “pathetically transparent”.


But it’s easier to be a campist, go nut picking and argue with straw men than to actually understand why people are protesting.


Sad Canadian GIF by CBC


Why is it so hard for some people to hold two thoughts in their head simultaneously? One can both be horrified by the events of Oct 7, 2023 and the Israeli Army’s wanton disregard for the lives of noncombatants. No reasonable person is saying Israel can’t protect itself. No reasonable person is saying what Hamas did was excusable. What reasonable people are saying is Israel cannot indiscriminately bomb civilians and starve them. Israel cannot target aid workers and journalists. For crying out loud, the IDF told people to get out of Rafah and go to tents in the desert, and then bombed said tents. Just for stating this, I’ll be branded by some as being anti-semitic (Of course, that’s probably by people who defended the Nazis in Charlottesville).


I know it’s cliche at this point but “don’t kill each other” shouldn’t be the radical position it is.


Killing (other) civilians, duh! Sometimes you just can’t avoid killing a large number of civilians when you’re murdering a journalist by bombing their apartment complex while they sleep.

It’s definitely true - especially compared to, say, WWII, where hundreds of bombers would have to be sent out to have any chance of destroying a single building. Even by late 20th century standards, it’s extremely accurate.

Well, both of those are sometimes true, but mostly a third option - they are, in fact, hitting what they intended to hit. It’s just not necessarily what they thought it was. E.g. a whole lot of wedding parties, aid workers, refugees, etc. got very accurately bombed by US forces in Afghanistan by accident. (On top of whatever wedding parties, aid workers and refugees, etc. that got bombed on purpose there.) Also, of course, they don’t care what else gets hit as a result of being next to the target.

Israel is indiscriminately attacking areas, but also doing a lot of high-precision attacks on civilians (via bombs, tanks, snipers… one doesn’t accidentally snipe doctors, old ladies, small children). They’ll drop a bomb on a neighborhood to take out a surgeon with a social media presence (the loss of their family and neighbors is either something that doesn’t concern them, or it’s actually a bonus), and also blanket a refugee camp with bombs and/or tank shells to wipe out everything in the area.

They’ve also been targeting doctors and journalists at home, when sniping doctors at hospitals just wasn’t evil enough - it turns into a terror tactic. “Continue working as a doctor/journalist, and we won’t just kill you, but your entire family, too.”

Gotta turn any rejection of genocide into being “pro-Hamas,” because otherwise the absolute inhumanity of their position becomes blindingly obvious. (And that also allows them to cheerlead any punishment of people protesting genocide - something only a Nazi would support - because the ‘protesters are the evil ones!’)

The UK likes to pretend it’s still a colonial empire (but isn’t), and the US likes to pretend it isn’t a colonial empire (but is, albeit not entirely in the traditional form).

What’s really funny is that those neo-Nazis are showing up in the counter-protests (and even shouting antisemitic statements) and there’s a lot of people pretending it’s not happening. (Except now they get to say, “During these college protests, antisemitic statements were made!”)

Or who were the Nazis in Charlottesville. Right now we have the absurdity of overt anti-Semites calling other people (some who are themselves Jewish!) antisemitic.


Is it known whether the French authorities are going with selective enforcement(of the “identify people whose opinions you don’t like; but claim that the actual problem is the most impolitic thing they ever said off the cuff” flavor); or are they actively expanding the scope of not wholly negative things you can say that now count as ‘apology’; or some of both?

No reasonable person is saying Israel can’t protect itself. No reasonable person is saying what Hamas did was excusable.

Except they are. The overwhelming response was to call Jews/Israel “colonizers”, and lean into the antisemitic tropes of Jews being tools of Western Colonialism, and say they deserved it for how they treat Palestinians, and say Israel shouldn’t exist.

It’s really hard to have to both condemn Israel’s horrific actions and defend their indigenous right to self determination.


It really isn’t that hard.


Yeah, really. It’s pretty much all I saw for weeks. Even now there are loads of people calling for the destruction of Israel as the only way to help Palestinians.

I don’t mean hard like it’s difficult. I mean it sucks to have to fight with everyone because I believe that Israel needs to stop and also that Israel has a right to exist. Apparently it needs to be all one or the other.