Fucking NY Times (and WaPo assholes)

He’s a picture of youthful vigor.



Hugely athletic too.

Donald Trump Ramp GIF by GIPHY News

Donald Trump Meme GIF by The Gregory Brothers


If he moved his feet when he was “dancing”; he’d fall and break a hip.


Rebecca Solnit (on FBOOK) on canceling her subscription:

So I did this last night (the post above) about the cancellation yesterday morning.

The flocks of stories on Biden’s age while they downplayed Trump’s looniness, his criminality, and his threats about what he’ll do if reelected was too much for me. (I mean a lot of NYT stuff has been too much for me, including the renewed round of misinformation on trans people, the November week where they published a sketchy poll showing Trump ahead and then made a ton of new stories about Biden the loser, a whole host of things all along since 2016 when they downplayed the news about Trump’s corruption, financial disasters, and assaults on women, the constant pandering to Trump voters in ways they never ever do to Democratic voters. I subscribe to a bunch of periodicals, since I like to know what’s going on and often write about both the news and how it’s represented.) I mean a lot of the mainstream media wants to play this as a normal horserace, because that’s what’s fun and interesting to cover and how they can fit an abberant reality–a candidate with 91 indictments, some for a coup attempt, threatening to create a dictatorship–into a familiar framework. But the Times has a particular, peculiar way of distorting.

So I wrote: I cancelled my New York Times subscription this morning. I’ll miss the recipes. p.s. You don’t have to like Biden to dislike a newspaper fawning on a clown who wants to be a dictator.

I guess they’re proud of how they did in 2016.

“In just six days, The New York Times ran as many cover stories about Hillary Clinton’s emails as they did about all policy issues combined in the 69 days leading up to the election.”

The Times employs a lot of people, including some of the most execrable columnists imaginable, but also many superb journalists, whose work, when not bent to the editorial agenda, is valuable and sometimes important. I want to acknowledge that. But I still had to quit.

They’re obsessing about Biden’s age, as they did about Clinton’s emails, while downplaying Trump’s crimes already committed–a rape, an insurrection, a whole lot of financial crimes-- and threats to commit far more.

Trump is threatening to create a red-state gestapo to imprison and deport millions of immigrants. Which should be shocking news, but will likely be downplayed.

And he just said he might encourage Putin to invade Europe on his watch.

Another example: “In less than a week, the New York Times has posted more than 50 articles, newsletters, podcasts, and whatever else it is the Times publishes these days mentioning a presidential horse-race poll conducted a year before Election Day.”

They have a habit of making news, rather than reporting it: “The magnitude of the Times’ role in selling the case for the Iraq War is staggering. A few of the dubious articles about Saddam’s weapons program involved the infamous reporter Judith Miller.”

“The paper said it was encouraged to report the claims by “US officials convinced of the need to intervene in Iraq”. But today…it admitted that accounts of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons in Iraq were never independently verified.”


Why is a NYT writer composing a Tinder profile for T****?

Sick Vomit GIF by CBS



And who sets those expectations?


How should the NYT know! Not like they have any investigative journalists on their staff to do that kind of research!!! /s


and at the end of that editorial, this:


A Popular Information analysis found that just three major papers — the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal — collectively published 81 articles about Hur’s assessment of Biden’s memory in the four days following the release of Hur’s report. Incidents that raised questions about former President Trump’s mental state received far less coverage by the same outlets.

Overall, The New York Times published 30 stories about Biden’s alleged memory issues between February 7 and February 10. Over those four days, the story was covered by 24 reporters (some of whom filed multiple stories), four opinion columnists, and the New York Times Editorial Board.


… I call stories like this “pseudo-news” — they can’t be verified because nothing has happened yet

If anything actually happens, they get to run this same exact article again


Oh come now, people familiar with something are said to have said!



New York Times:

Sam Alito:


That quote from the NYT only possibly makes sense if “Americans” means cishet white men with money.
Most Americans never have had the right to speak their minds without being shunned. Lots have faced violent responses to simply saying they are fully human and would like to be treated as such.

from the same NYT editorial, subsequent paragraphs are a bit more explicit in who they consider to be “Americans”

Many on the left refuse to acknowledge that cancel culture exists at all

However you define cancel culture, Americans know it exists and feel its burden.


Sure, Americans like authors who’ve had their books banned by Christian zealots, or protesters punished for supposed antisemitism for criticizing the Israeli government’s abuse of Palestinians, or –

Oh right, that’s not what “cancel culture” is supposed to mean. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:



Cross-posted from the Elections 2023 and 2024 thread:


I like that breakdown-trump has 91 and Biden 0, but the statement is (sort of) factually correct. It’s still a huge reach to make them seem equally corrupt.