NY Times editor says Trump's danger to democracy is not a top concern

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/08/ny-times-editor-says-trumps-danger-to-democracy-is-not-a-top-concern.html



Same as it ever was…


Their coverage of news is based on how topics poll!?! No wonder the NYT seems like the tail end of a Fox News human centipede…


What he meant was coverage of news is based on what the GOP wants to them to cover.


Because the same readers will buy the rag in a fascist state?


Precisely! Next time you endure a media pundit see how much of their opinion is framed as an attempt to explain some poll (which is often not even clearly referenced). Polls are nearly always accepted as fact in the media; and what remains for them is to try to explain their skewed results no matter how unlikely they continue to be.

…and then, when an election, or other final determiner, proves the poll to have been wrong all the time, they make an offhanded excuse that that was an ‘early poll’ result. egads, media folks! there are even long-term admissions that polling results were paid for! ((sorry, this is one of my pet peeves))


Has this guy not been listening on all the occasions where Trump has indicated that ‘the media’ will be toward the head of the line to get against the wall?


what’s… ironic?.. then is: why does this person have a job? if the measure of what’s important is a poll: then there’s no real need for an “executive editor” to guide the paper. human judgment is irrelevant. ( apparently )


The NYT mascot is a face-eating leopard…


It’s even worse than that. The NYT is trying to appease people who don’t read the NYT but are mad about what they imagine the NYT is like. So the NYT runs stories that are the opposite of what those people are imagining, but they are still just as mad as ever because they don’t read the NYT. And the spiral continues until these angry people learn to read, which is not likely to happen any time soon.


This is a perfect example of the lie. Immigration isn’t favorable to Trump. Trump is on record directing the gop to cancel bipartisan legislation to address the immigration issue to retain it as a hot topic for the election. The only way this could favor Trump is for pro Trump propagandists to ignore it, which is what the NYT is doing.


I’ve said it before: at least the Weimar “centrist” press had the excuses of newsprint shortages and fascism being a new phenomenon for its haplessness in stopping the rise of the Nazis. History will be a lot less kind to to the NYT if things go badly in November.


Badly for whom? The 1000-year-reich promised to look favorably upon the NYT when (re-)writing the history textbooks. And when it’s all said and done, isn’t that what’s most important? Being recognized for doing the right thing for the regime? (That and cash, of course.)


So who is the NYT for? The left seems to think it’s terrible. The right thinks it’s a liberal rag. Mark Levin calls it the New York Slimes and constantly brings up their downplaying/ignoring of the holocaust in the 40s. It does run some really terrible opinion pieces, and as the post mentions, it downplays the threat Trump poses.


At this point, the only reason to work for the NYT is because you agree with Kahn that America should be turned into a fascist state.


With no apparent recognition that media coverage impacts how issues poll. Yes, you’re not covering the existential threat to American democracy, and it’s polling as less important than some other issues, but completely apart from how the downfall of American democracy impacts all of those other issues, saying we’re not going to report on it much because people don’t think it’s important assumes that the lack of coverage is entirely unrelated to why people say they don’t care.


I also do not think it is a newspapers job to stop a political candidate.

It is a newspaper’s job to warn the public about existential threats to democracy and to do so in clear and unambiguous terms without worrying about the appearance of “bias.”


Yeah, this. They should not stop telling the truth just because the truth is inconvenient to the fascists.


The Times is salivating over another Tr#mp’s dynasty term. Think about all the revenue of people rage clicking over the most stupid minor things Diaper Don throwing their way every 5 secs.