Funny article about gamers enraged at everything except layoffs

Here. Fixed it for you :laughing:

But seriously now. Incel movements capitalize on the willfull ignorance of their followers to feed them half-truths and blatant lies with a heavy dose of “ingroup acceptance”. Some people get wiser and leave the group, some get smarter and become leaders, and some will never leave the “worker bee” phase.


In depressing adjacent news, RPS has apparently been devoured by IGN. Alice Bell, the editor, is already gone, no other confirmation as yet about who and how many ‘some redundancies have been made’ means.

I hope as many of the writers as possible make it, and some semblance of the site’s focus survives; because it’s a lot harder to get what they do than it is to get CoD reviews that start at 7/10 or reaction-face youtubers frothing about some theory regarding publishers bringing in sweet baby inc. DEI consultants as part of a war on a major chunk of their customer base because that makes sense.

The whole thing is a long way from being about me, so I don’t want to create the impression that I think it is; but I’ve been playing nontrivial amounts of video game since I was a kid and would not have called feeling it advisable to move from ‘gamer’ to ‘I enjoy video games’ because ‘gamer’ so often means some flavor of asshole convinced that the shift from ‘hegemony’ to ‘merely ubiquitous pandering’ is the fall of western civilization.


i know, I read the news and it SUCKS. RPS was one of the few gaming websites I still regularly read, thanks to their quirky articles and reports.

They also adquired and VG247.

At least some editors are having one last laugh:

ETA: I think you mistook Alice Bell with Alice O’Connor, which left last month IIRC. Bell was still updating articles as of yesterday :confused:

ETATA: Crap, yes, they kicked Bell too :frowning:

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I don’t think these folks have much of a vocabulary, so they make do with what words they know and rearrange them in novel ways. I guess.


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