Funny video of Neil Degreasse Tyson praising Isaac Newton

He was on the college rowing team

I believe you.

I, however, have seen plenty of people slurring like that through sheer mental and physical fatigue. They usually could not, however, string more than three words together in a coherent sentence, unlike old mate NdGT here.

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so… you are admitting that they sometimes do…? I am not a scientist, but I am willing to believe that they sometimes don’t like one scientist speaking for all of them, either…

But, hey, we all find different things funny. I mean, SOMEONE must find Carrot Top funny, 'cause he’s still around…

Now I have a new crush. Wow. He is cut.

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Your post reminded me of something I noted while looking at the video of Kuo telling Linde the news about his theory being proven after 30 years. We saw two highly respected physicists in comfortable clothing because they’d been surprised at their home. They seemed normal, approachable, human…whereas normally we would only see them in professional clothing, speaking in public with the force of authority surrounding them.

I think it’s good for kids, especially, to see that our highest thinkers are people too, who can be casual and just talk about something which makes them so excited that it fuels their work. No jargon, no tie, no pontification…just joy and wonder.


The video makes me think of the first time I took Benadryl.

NDT himself just shared it on his Facebook page, along with this gem:

“Meanwhile, my geek daughter just calculated that this slow motion
interview is what the original on would look like if it were time
dilated from moving at 85% the speed of light.”


It’s like watching an episode of Drunk History without the unnecessarily prolonged footage of copious vomiting.

It’s also fascinating to see how effectively such a simple technique as time stretching the footage creates such a convincing result. Now I want to watch a time compressed video of drunk/stoned people.

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